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Milan Allan
Leiden University, The Netherlands
Invited – Workshop 1: Twistronics and Topological Phenomena
Milan Allan is an associate professor at Leiden University, where he and his group study quantum matter on the atomic scale using novel scanning probe techniques. He received his "Diplom" from ETH Zurich (cum laude), and his PhD from the University of St Andrews. After postdocs at Cornell (as a PhD+ fellow) and ETH Zurich (as an ETH fellow), he joined Leiden University in 2015. Milan won the Bryan R. Coles prize in 2017.
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Sanna Arpiainen
VTT, Finland
Invited – Workshop 5: 2DM for Health & Medical Applications
Dr. Sanna Arpiainen a principal scientist and team leader at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. She coordinates the graphene and 2D materials research and related commercial offering at VTT, where the special focus is in the industrialization of the CVD graphene device manufacturing and CMOS integration for biosensing and photonics. Her background is in material science, optical MEMS, photonics integration and nanotechnology. She is the PI of several national and international research projects on graphene sensors, photonics and integration, and chaired the Graphene Week 2019 in Helsinki, Finland.
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Mete Atature
University of Cambridge, UK
Keynote – Plenary Session
Mete Atature received his Bachelor of Science degree in 1996 from Bilkent University Physics Department in Turkey. Then, he joined the Quantum Imaging Laboratory at Boston University for his PhD studies. From 2002 to 2007, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Quantum Photonics Group at ETH Zurich. He joined the Cavendish Laboratory in June 2007 as a University Lecturer, was promoted to a Readership in 2011 and to a Professorship in 2015.
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Gerd Bacher
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Invited - Industrial Forum
Gerd Bacher studied physics and received his PhD at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. He continued his career as senior scientist at Würzburg University and joined Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan as a guest professor 1996/1997. In 2003, Gerd Bacher got a full professorship for electronic materials and devices at the faculty of engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen, where he co-founded the center of nanointegration (CENIDE) and established the studying program NanoEngineering. His research activities cover nanomaterials and nanodevices for optoelectronics, information science and energy applications, with a main focus on 2D materials and nanocrystals. He published > 300 scientific papers, delivered more than 90 invited talks and acts as a reviewer for numerous scientific journals and funding agencies.
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Mira Baraket
General Graphene, USA
Invited - Industrial Forum
Mira works as a lead scientist of application development at General Graphene Corp. Mira's background is in Materials Science with more than 10-years experience in Graphene spent at US and international research laboratories. After a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering, Mira started working on graphene at the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC. Her graphene-related experience was further extended during her tenure at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and the Néel Institute in Grenoble (France). Her interest include graphene growth, modification and integration in devices for biomedical, energy, sensing and electronic applications.
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Salvador Barraza-Lopez
University of Arkansas, USA
Invited – Workshop 4: Theory of 2D Materials and Devices Simulation
Salvador Barraza-Lopez obtained a Bachelor's (Licenciado) Degree from Instituto Politecnico Nacional in Mexico City, and a PhD in Physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is an Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Arkansas, and the Theory Lead of the newly-founded MonArk NSF Quantum Foundry.
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Claire C Berger
Georgia Tech, USA
Invited – Plenary Session
Claire Berger is Director of Research at the French National Center for Scientific Research - Néel Institute working at the Georgia Institute of Technology in W. A. de Heer’s group. She obtained the PhD in Physics from the University of Grenoble, France, with a dissertation on the electronic properties of AlMn quasicrystals. She then moved to a postdoc position at the Centre d’Etudes Atomiques, where she produced and studied amorphous films, and was hired as a researcher at the CNRS ‘s Laboratory for Study of Electronic Properties of Solids (LEPES), in Grenoble. She focused the first part of her carrier on electronic properties of quasicrystalline materials grown and characterized at LEPES. She contributed to the experimental evidence for a metal-insulator transition in these metal- based compounds.
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Marcello Binetti
LayTec AG, Germany
Invited - Industrial Forum
After graduating in Physics at the University of Bari, Marcello Binetti gained his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of Essen in 2001 and joined the Fritz-Haber-Institut of the Max Planck Society as postdoc. He joined LayTec in 2004, where he gained a broad experience in semiconductor metrology product support and management, contributing to establish LayTec as a leading provider of effective metrology solutions both in research and production environments. LayTec Manager for Si-SEMI activities (2016 – 2020), he is now senior scientist for novel applications.
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Francesco Bonaccorso
BeDimensional, Italy
Invited - Industrial Forum
Francesco Bonaccorso is the Scientific Director of BeDimensional SpA and Visiting Scientist at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. He gained the PhD from the University of Messina after working at the Italian National Research Council, the University of Cambridge and the University of Vanderbilt. In 2009 he was awarded a Royal Society Newton International Fellowship at Cambridge University, and a Fellowship at Hughes Hall, Cambridge, obtaining a MA. He was responsible in defining the ten years scientific and technological roadmap for the Graphene Flagship. He is now Deputy of the Innovation of the Flagship. He was featured as 2016 Emerging Investigator by J.Mater.Chem.A and in 2019 by ChemPlusChem. His research interests encompass both the fundamental understanding and solution processing of novel nanomaterials and their technological applications. He authored/co-authored more than 120 publications and 12 patents.
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Paolo Bondavalli
Thales Research & Technology, France
Invited - Industrial Forum
Dr. Paolo Bondavalli is in charge of the transverse topic on nanomaterials at Thales Research and Technology. Presently his work is focused on discovering potentialities for new 2D materials for the next generation of electronics, energy storage devices, memristor, electromagnetic shielding, quantum computing. Dr Bondavalli has received his Hdr in 2011, at Paris-Sud on a work on "devices based on random network of carbon nanotubes". During the last five years, he has participated, also as coordinator, in several EU projects (concerning CNTs, graphene, spintronics, energy) and ANR projects. He is involved in the Graphene Flagship initiative. He recently issued a book on Graphene ("Graphene and Related Materials: Properties and Applications" Ed Elsevier, pp 192, 2017).
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Vincent Bouchiat
Grapheal, France
Invited - Industrial Forum
Vincent Bouchiat is the CEO of Grapheal, a company spin-off from Neel Institute focusing on bioelectronic and healthcare applications of graphene. He is on leave from the French National Research Center (CNRS) at Grenoble, where he has a permanent position since 1997. He received an engineer degree from ESPCI in 1993 and a Master Degree from the University of Paris, Pierre & Marie Curie the same year. He has completed his Ph.D. on quantum devices at CEA-Saclay in 1997 under supervision of Michel Devoret and Daniel Estève. He got the Visiting Miller Professorship Award from University of California, Berkeley in 2007, and the Lee Hsun Research Award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2017). He co-authored more than 100 publications with over 4000 citations and hold 9 international patents.
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Ivan Brihuega
UAM, Spain
Invited – Workshop 2: 2D materials for Quantum Technologies
Ivan Brihuega’s research is focused in understanding the properties of nanoscale systems at an atomic level. He received his PhD from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) in 2005. From 2006 to December 2008 he was Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow and Group Leader in the group of Prof. K. Kern at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research. During 2009/2013 he was a Ramón y Cajal researcher at the UAM. Since 2014, he is a permanent professor in the Department of Physics of Condensed Matter at the UAM, directing the Atom by Atom research group. At present, he is particularly interested in exploring and manipulating graphene physics with atomic precision. Using STM as main experimental technique, he investigates the possibility of selectively incorporating to specific regions of the graphene layers, electronic band gaps, magnetism and superconductivity.
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Marc Chaigneau
Invited - Industrial Forum
AFM-Raman Product Manager Oversee development, applications, worldwide marketing and sales of Raman spectroscopy products coupled with Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) for Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS). Survey new technologies and suggest ideas for new developments that could give us an edge on the market. Support Sales teams worldwide. Evaluate client special requirements feasibility, cost and time frame with R&D in our French and US offices. Business development including marketing, web advertising and sales. Development of technical documents to help Sales People quote, calculate specifications, answer bid requests etc...
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Mairbek Chshiev
CEA, France
Invited – Workshop 4: Theory of 2D Materials and Devices Simulation
Prof. M. Chshiev is a theoretical physicist specializing on theory of spintronic phenomena in magnetic nanostructures and electronic structure of materials for spintronics. His background comprises methods in condensed matter theory and computational material science including ab-initio, tight binding, free electron and diffusive approaches. He received his Ph.D. degree from Moscow Lomonosov State University (Russia) in 1997 and his Habilitation Degree from University Joseph Fourier (France) in 2008. After several postdoctoral stays in France and USA between 1998 and 2004, he joined the Center for Materials for Information Technology at the University of Alabama where he stayed as a research scientist until his arrival to Grenoble (France) in 2008 where he joined Spintec Laboratory holding one of the Chairs of Excellence supported by the Nanosciences Foundation. He was an invited researcher at Univ. of Lorraine and CNRS/Thales (France) as well as adjunct associate professor at University of Alabama (USA).of. M. Chshiev is the Head of Theory and Modeling Group at SPINTEC and carries out research using advanced theoretical approaches in order to understand fundamental physical mechanisms required for the developments of future spintronic devices.
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Lucie Chupin
Carbon Waters, France
Invited - Industrial Forum
Dr Lucie Chupin is a materials and process engineer with a PhD in polymer chemistry from the University of Pau (France). She is currently one of Carbon Waters’ R&D engineers, focusing on application development. She has previous experience in the aerospace and automotive industries since, before joining our company, she worked in the UK on developing new thermoset composites for the aerospace and automotive industry. She also worked on bio-based composites, bio-based concretes and cosmetics.
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Sonia Conesa Boj
TU Delft, The Netherlands
Invited – Workshop 6: Advanced Characterization of 2DM and heterostructures
Prof. Sonia Conesa-Boj obtained her Ph.D. in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the University of Barcelona (Spain) in 2011. Afterwards she moved to a postdoctoral research position at EPFL Lausanne, funded by a Marie-Heim Vogtlin personal fellowship awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. After a second postdoc in The Netherlands, in 2016 Dr. Conesa-Boj became Assistant Professor at the Department of Quantum Nanoscience and the Kavli Instiuture of Nanoscience at TU Delft, and since 2020 she's tenured Associate Professor there. The focus of her research is developing novel approaches for the growth and characterisation of low-dimensional nanoscale materials, from nanowires to van der Waals layered materials. She has demonstrated how the exploitation of state-of-the-art Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques provide a unique window to unravel the physical properties of novel nanomaterials. Dr. Sonia Conesa-Boj is the author of more than 40 peer-reviewed publications and her research has been supported, among others, by the award of an ERC Starting Grant and a Dutch "Top Kennis en Innovatie" Consortium grant.
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Eugenio Coronado
ICMOL - Universidad de Valencia, Spain
Invited – Workshop 3: Chemistry of 2DM and Energy
Eugenio Coronado is Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Universidad de Valencia and Director of the Institute for Molecular Science (ICMol) and of the European Institute of Molecular Magnetism (EIMM). Expert in Molecular Magnetism, his recent research interests lie in the areas of Molecular Spintronics, quantum computing and 2D materials. In this last topic his research focuses on the design of 2D molecular magnets and hybrid molecular/2D heterostructures combining functional molecules with 2D superconductors and magnets, as well as in the use of these materials for applications in spintronics. To develop these research lines he has been financed by the European Research Council (ERC) with the Advanced grants SPINMOL and MOL-2D.
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Silvano de Franceschi
CEA, France
Invited – Plenary Session
Silvano De Franceschi is an expert in quantum nanoelectronics and experimental mesoscopic physics. He received his PhD in 1999 at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa and, he currently works as research director at the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Grenoble (IRIG). In 2005 he was awarded the Nicholas Kurti European Prize for his achievements in the field of quantum transport and, in particular, his works on the Kondo effect in quantum dots and on hybrid normal/superconductor nanostructures. His current research activity focuses on the development of silicon-based devices for quantum information processing. He is co-leading the Grenoble Quantum Silicon Group (http://quantumsilicon-grenoble.eu) and he is one of the three PIs in the ERC Synergy project QuCube
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Matteo Donegà
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, Spain
Invited - Industrial Forum
Matteo Donegà is a translational neuroscientist at INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, a startup company that develops medical solutions based on innovative graphene Neurotechnologies to modulate the central and peripheral nervous systems. Matteo has been working in the field of neuromodulation for over 10 years, initially in academia with a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Cambridge obtained while working on thin film technologies for spinal cord neuromodulation, and then in industry. Prior to Inbrain, he was principal investigator at Galvani Bioelectronics, a joint venture between GlaxoSmithKline and Google Life Sciences, where he worked across pre-clinical and clinical investigation of targeted peripheral nerve neuromodulation.
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Georg Düsberg
Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Invited – Plenary Session
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Taygun Duvan
Invited - Industrial Forum
Jose A. Garrido is an ICREA Research Professor at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) and head of the Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices group. He received a master and PhD degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and a habilitation degree by the Technical University of Munich. His research interest focuses on aspects of the science and technology of novel electronic materials, with a strong emphasis on 2D materials such as graphene and MoS2, as well as in the application of these materials to bioelectronics and neural interfaces. He participates in major national and European projects and efforts to explore the development of novel neural interfaces for biomedical applications. Jose Garrido is co-founder of INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, where he is now the Chief Scientific Officer.
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Salim El Kazzi
NUS-AMAT Corp Lab, Singapore
Keynote - Industrial Forum
Salim El Kazzi joined the NUS-AMAT Corp Lab in 2019 as a senior research fellow leading the large-scale integration of 2D Materials for different CMOS applications. He received his Ph.D. degree from IEMN-Lille 1 in 2012 on the growth of III-V on commercial substrates. After his postdoc at the MIT-Singapore alliance SMART, he joined IMEC in 2013 as a research scientist to lead the activities of III-V epitaxy and gate stack deposition by MBE for steep tunneling devices. In 2015, he pioneered the growth of 2D-MX2 semiconductors by plasma-source MBE and later led the TMDCs lab and fab MOCVD growth for the beyond CMOS program.
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Jaroslav Fabian
University of Regensburg, Germany
Invited – Workshop 4: Theory of 2D Materials and Devices Simulation
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Clement Faugeras
Invited – Plenary Session
Clement Faugeras obtained a PhD in 2003 for his work on electron-phonon interaction in semiconductor quantum wells studied by infrared spectroscopy, and then moved to University Paris 7 to study infrared laser sources, the quantum cascade lasers. Since 2006, he is a staff scientist at the Grenoble High Magnetic Field laboratory-CNRS where he investigates in extreme environments of low temperature and high magnetic fields, the properties of 2D materials and of their heterostructures by optical means. He is particularly interested in the effects of interactions (electron-electron or electron-phonon) and in developping new original experimental setups dedicated to optical investigations of low dimensional systems. Recent studies concern moiré excitons in heterobilayers and magnetic layered antiferromagnets.
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Andrea Ferrari
Cambridge Graphene Centre, University of Cambridge, UK
Keynote - Industrial Forum
Andrea C. Ferrari earned a PhD in electrical engineering from Cambridge University, after a Laurea in nuclear engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy. He is Professor of Nanotechnology and the Director of the Cambridge Graphene Centre and of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Graphene Technology. He is Fellow of Pembroke College, the American Physical Society, the Institute of Physics and the Materials Research Society. His research interests include nanomaterials growth, modelling, characterization, and devices. He was awarded the Royal Society Brian Mercer Award for Innovation, the Marie Curie Excellence Award, the Philip Leverhulme Prize, The EU-40 Materials Prize, The Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. He is also the Chairman of the Executive Board of the EU Graphene Flagship
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Tatiana Gabriela Rappoport
UFRJ, Brazil
Invited – Plenary Session
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Costas Galiotis
FORTH/ ICE-HT and University of Patras, Greece
Invited – Plenary Session
Costas Galiotis is the Principal Investigator (PI) of the ERC Advanced – Tailoring Graphene project. He is a Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering (Univ. of Patras) and former Director of the Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (ICE-HT) which is one of the 7 academic research institutions of the Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH). In its over 26 years of operation FORTH/ ICE-HT has developed into a world-leading centre for the advancement of high quality scientific knowledge in the fields of material science and in the computer aided design and simulation of new materials and processes. It comprises of approximately 150 personnel and has a running yearly budget of 5 M€. Prof. Galiotis is also a member of the Board of Directors of FORTH (since July 2007). FORTH has been ranked as the first Research Centre in the field domain in Greece in 3 successive evaluations. Prof. Galiotis had an auspicious term of office as Director of the Institute in the years 2009-2014. Being also the coordinator of the Hellenic participation and national representative of “Graphene” he contributed in establishing the Graphene Center by joining the research forces of three FORTH institutes, ICE-HT, IESL and ICAM. Despite the Country's intense economic situation he expanded the Institute by literally setting the foundations to the Institute's new modern building that will house research laboratories.
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Jose Antonio Garrido
Invited – Plenary Session
Jose A. Garrido is an ICREA Research Professor at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) and head of the Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices group. He received a master and PhD degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and a habilitation degree by the Technical University of Munich. His research interest focuses on aspects of the science and technology of novel electronic materials, with a strong emphasis on 2D materials such as graphene and MoS2, as well as in the application of these materials to bioelectronics and neural interfaces. He participates in major national and European projects and efforts to explore the development of novel neural interfaces for biomedical applications. Jose Garrido is co-founder of INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, where he is now the Chief Scientific Officer.
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Nils Goedecke
Heidelberg Instruments, Switzerland
Invited - Industrial Forum
Nils Goedecke is a trained biophysicist with a PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Imperial College London, where he applied laser based direct-write lithography for microfluidics in the group of Andreas Manz. After his PhD in 2003, he was a Postdoc in the BioMEMS Laboratory at MIT. In 2005, he moved to Zurich where he was appointed team leader for microfluidics and senior researcher at ETH Zurich. In 2012, he became group leader at the Biomechanics Lab at the University Hospital where he was responsible for the in-house microfabrication facility until 2017. From 2010 to early 2018, Nils ran his own startup company Microduits. At Heidelberg Instruments Nano, Nils Goedecke is part of the sales team, responsible to identify and consult future customers, who would benefit from nanopatterning with our NanoFrazor systems.
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Stijn Goossens
Qurv, Spain
Invited - Industrial Forum
Dr. Stijn Goossens is CTO and co-founder of Qurv. Stijn is a pioneer in 2D material enhanced quantum dot image sensors and inventor of multiple patents in Qurv’s portfolio. He obtained his PhD from Delft University of Technology and continued his career as a program manager at the Institute of Photonic Sciences before founding Qurv in 2020.
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Tibor Grasser
TU Wien, Austria
Invited – Plenary Session
Tibor Grasser is a professor of microelectronics reliability and an IEEE Fellow. He has been the head of the Institute for Microelectronics since 2016. He has edited various books, e.g. on advanced device modeling (World Scientific), the bias temperature instability (Springer) and hot carrier degradation (Springer), is a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE EDS, is a recipient of the Best and Outstanding Paper Awards at IRPS (2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014), IPFA (2013 and 2014), ESREF (2008) and the IEEE EDS Paul Rappaport Award (2011). He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices following his assignment as Associate Editor for Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier) and has been involved in various outstanding conferences such as IEDM, IRPS, SISPAD, ESSDERC, and IIRW. Prof. Grasser's current research interests include theoretical modeling of performance aspects of 2D and 3D devices (charge trapping, reliability), starting from the ab initio level over more efficient quantum-mechanical descriptions up to TCAD modeling. The models developed in his group have been made available in the most important commercial TCAD environments.
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Ilka Hermes
Park Systems Europe GmbH, Germany
Invited - Industrial Forum
Ilka Hermes is the principle scientist at Park Systems Europe, where she maintains and supports scientific collaborations to establish new research projects. Prior, she worked at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (Main Germany) in the group of Stefan Weber to investigate perovskite solar cells with electrical Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) modes, and at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in the group of Angelika Kühnle to characterize liquid-solid interfaces with high resolution AFM. Her primary fields of expertise include Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM), Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KFM), and conductive AFM on functional electronics.
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Atsufumi Hirohata
University of York, UK
Invited - Industrial Forum
Atsufumi Hirohata joined the Department of Electronic Engineering in September 2007. He has over 15 years of experience in spintronics, ranging from magnetic-domain imaging to spin-current interference. He is currently an editorial board member of Journal of Physics D and Spin. He is also a member of both Administrative and Techical Committees of the IEEE Magnetics Society. He holds a visiting associate professorship at Tohoku University and a Royal Society Industry Fellowship in collaboration with Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory. Before coming to York, he was a researcher at RIKEN, a Japanese governmental research institute, for over two years, where he designed a spin-current interference device, which can be used as a spin operation in a spintronic three-terminal transistor. He was before working as a postdoctoral researcher at Tohoku University, and successfully fabricated a perfectly ordered epitaxial full-Heusler alloy films, which was the first report to their knowledge and was acknowledged by several awards. He also worked as a postdoctoral associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he demonstrated basic function of a phase-change memory, which has been recently released in a market by Intel. He received his PhD in Physics at the University of Cambridge in 2001 and then served as a research associate at the Cavendish Laboratory in order to complete his study on spin detection of optically pumped spin-polarised electrons in a semiconductor with using a ferromagnetic overlayers, which attracted great interest, resulting a few invited talks and papers. He was originally graduated from Keio University for his BSc and MSc studies in Physics.
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Cedric Huyghebaert
IMEC, Belgium
Invited - Industrial Forum
Cedric Huyghebaert is currently leading the nano-applications and – material engineering (NAME) group at imec dealing with the integration of nano materials as CNT and graphene and graphene related materials in functional applications. He is deputy of the wafer scale integration work package in the Graphene Flagship. He started as a junior researcher in the materials and component analyses group at imec. He studied the oxygen bean interactions during sputtering profiling of semiconductors. He received his PhD in Physics in 2006 at the KULeuven in Belgium. In 2005 he joined imecs pilot line as an integration engineer, especially dealing with the process contamination control. He was part of the packaging group from 2008 to 2010, working as a senior integration engineer dealing with the journey of bringing 3D-stacked IC integration from lab to fab.
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Deep Jariwala
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Invited - Industrial Forum
Deep grew up in Mumbai, India and received his undergraduate degree from the Indian Institute of Technology in 2010 and went on to pursue his Ph.D. from Northwestern University. Deep made contributions to the study of charge transport and electronic applications of two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors and pioneering the study of gate-tunable, mixed-dimensional, van der Waals heterostructures at Northwestern. After finishing his Ph.D. in August 2015, Deep joined Caltech as a Resnick Prize Postdoctoral Fellow with the goal of investigating strategies for enhancing light-matter interactions in 2D systems for efficient, ultra-thin, opto-electronic devices. Deep’s research lies at the intersection of solid-state opto-electronics and emerging low-dimensional materials. Specifically, he combines new techniques to assemble, grow and integrate nanostructured materials, including molecular materials with state-of-the-art nano-fabrication methods to create novel electronic and photonic devices. He uses spatially and spectrally resolved current and photon spectroscopy as well as scanning probe techniques to understand charge and energy transport mechanisms across atomically-abrupt and hybrid interfaces which lie at the core of modern semiconductor opto-electronics.
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Philip Kim
Harvard University, USA
Keynote – Plenary Session
Professor Philip Kim was born in Seoul, Korea in 1967. He received his B.S in physics at Seoul National University in 1990 and received his Ph. D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University in 1999. He was Miller Postdoctoral Fellow in Physics from University of California, Berkeley during 1999-2001. In 2002, he joined in Department of Physics at Columbia University as a faculty member, where he is now Professor of Physics. Starting from summer of 2014, he moves to Harvard as Professor of Physics. Professor Kim is a world leading scientist in the area of materials research. His research area is experimental condensed matter physics with an emphasis on physical properties and applications of nanoscale low-dimensional materials. The focus of Prof. Kim’s group research is the mesoscopic investigation of transport phenomena, particularly, electric, thermal and thermoelectrical properties of low dimensional nanoscale materials. These materials include carbon nanotubes, organic and inorganic nanowires, 2-dimensional mesoscopic single crystals, and single organic molecules. The use of modern state-of-the-art semiconductor device fabrication techniques and the development of new methods of material synthesis/manipulation are essential parts of this research. He has initiated these efforts very successfully, and is continuously making innovations in microscopic experimental tools and methods in order to investigate the electric, thermal/thermoelectric transport properties of the nanoscale materials. Professor Kim published more than 120 papers in professional journals which are well cited. Many of his papers are published in high impact journals such as Nature, Science and Physical Review Letters. Professor Kim received numerous honors and award including Oliver E. Buckley Prize (2014), Loeb Lectureship, Harvard (2012); Dresden Barkhausen Award (2011); Yunker Lectureship, Oregon State University, (2011); Chapman Lectureship, Rice University, (2009); IBM Faculty Award (2009); Ho-Am Science Prize (2008); American Physical Society Fellow (2007); Columbia University Distinguished Faculty Award (2007); Recipient Scientific American 50 (2006); National Science Foundation Faculty Career Award (2004). In addition, He has given more than 300 invited presentations as keynote speaker, plenary speakers, and invited speakers in international and domestic conferences, colloquiums and department seminars.
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Angelika Knothe
The University of Manchester, UK
Invited – Workshop 2: 2D materials for Quantum Technologies
Dr. Angelika Knothe is currently a post-doctoral research associate at the National Graphene Institute in Manchester, UK. She joined the theory group of Prof. Fal'ko at the NGI in 2017, after obtaining her Ph.D. in a binational collaboration between the Unversité Paris-Sud/Paris Saclay in France and the University of Freiburg i.Br., Germany. As a specialist in the theory of two-dimensional materials, Dr. Knothe's work is primarily concerned with the theoretical description of nanostructures in such materials and their potential use in future quantum information and quantum computing applications.
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Frank Koppens
Invited – Plenary Session
Frank Koppens (Dutch, 1976) obtained his PhD (Cum Laude, 2007) in experimental nanoscience and quantum computation at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University, The Netherlands. His PhD work includes several breakthroughs on coherent control of single spins in semiconductor quantum dots.
As an IQSE postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University he worked on quantum plasmonics with single quantum dots and diamond color centers, with a major breakthrough on the electrical detection surface plasmon polaritons and single plasmon sources. Since August 2010, Frank is a group leader at ICFO.
Frank Koppens is author of 32 refereed papers (H-index 22), amongst which Nature (2x), Science (2x), Nature Physics (3x), Nature Nanotech. (2x), Phys.Rev.Lett.(6x) and NanoLetters (2x). Total number of citations: >3700. Dr. Koppens is specialized in graphene opto-electronics and nano-photonics and reported the first real-space images of propagating and gate-tunable optical plasmons in graphene. Recently, Dr. Koppens has received the prestigious Huygens award for his work on quantum information processing and nano-technology. Frank Koppens has recently been awarded an ERC Grant.
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Annika Kurzmann
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Invited – Workshop 2: 2D materials for Quantum Technologies
Annika Kurzmann is a Junior Principle Investigator at the 2nd Institute of Physics at RWTH Aachen. She earned a PhD degree in Physics from the University of Duisburg-Essen under supervision of Prof. A. Lorke in 2017. Her research on high-resolution optical spectroscopy on self-assemble quantum dots was awarded as outstanding PhD thesis by the University of Duisburg-Essen. 2017 – 2021 she was a postdoctoral fellow in the nanophysics group from Klaus Ensslin at ETH Zurich and worked on the fabrication and characterization of quantum dots in bilayer graphene.
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Jose Lado
Aalto University, Finland
Invited – Workshop 4: Theory of 2D Materials and Devices Simulation
I am an assistant professor in theoretical physics at Aalto University, in Finland, since 2019. I was an ETH Fellow at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at ETH Zurich, with Prof. Manfred Sigrist and Prof. Oded ZIlberberg from 2017-2019. I got my Ph.D. between 2013-2016 working in the Theory of Nanostructures group at INL, Portugal, led by Prof. Joaquin Fernandez Rossier. My research focuses on the theory of emergent phenomena in topological and correlated quantum materials.
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Mario Lanza
KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Keynote – Plenary Session
Mario Lanza is an Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), in Saudi Arabia since October 2020. Dr. Lanza got his PhD in Electronic Engineering with honors in 2010 at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. During the PhD he was a visiting scholar at The University of Manchester (UK) and Infineon Technologies (Germany). In 2010-2011 he was NSFC postdoc at Peking University, and in 2012-2013 he was Marie Curie postdoc at Stanford University. On October 2013 he joined Soochow University as Associate Professor, and in March 2017 he was promoted to Full Professor. Prof. Lanza has published over 120 research papers, including Science, Nature Electronics, Nature Chemistry, and IEDM, edited a book for Wiley-VCH, and registered four patents (one of them granted with 5.6 Million CNY). Prof. Lanza has received the 2017 Young Investigator Award from Microelectronic Engineering (Elsevier), and the 2015 Young 1000 Talent award (among others), and in 2019 he was appointed as Distinguished Lecturer of the Electron Devices Society (IEEE-EDS). Prof. Lanza is Associate Editor of Scientific Reports (Nature) and Microelectronic Engineering (Elsevier), and serves in the board of many others, like Advanced Electronic Materials (Wiley-VCH), Nanotechnology and Nano Futures (IOP). He is also an active member of the technical committee of several world-class international conferences, including IEEE-IEDM, IEEE-IRPS, IEEE-IPFA and APS. Prof. Lanza leads a research group formed by 10-15 PhD students and postdocs, and they investigate how to improve electronic devices using 2D materials, with special emphasis on two-dimensional (layered) dielectrics and memristors for non-volatile digital information storage and artificial intelligence computing systems.
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Jeanie Lau
The Ohio State University, USA
Keynote – Plenary Session
Chun Ning (Jeanie) Lau is a Professor in the Department of Physics at The Ohio State University. She received her BA in physics from University of Chicago in 1994, and PhD in physics from Harvard in 2001. She was a research associate at Hewlett Packard Labs in Palo Alto from 2002 to 2004, before joining University of California, Riverside in 2004 as an assistant professor. She was promoted to associate professor in 2009 and full professor in 2012. Starting January 2017 she moved to The Ohio State University. The honors and awards she has received include the NSF CAREER award, the PECASE award, Kavli Fellow and APS Fellow. She currently serves as an Associate Editor at Nano Letters and ACS Nanoscience Au. Her research focuses on quantum phenomena and properties of quantum materials, in particular, graphene and other two-dimensional systems.
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Arben Merkoci
Invited - Industrial Forum
Arben Merkoçi is currently ICREA Professor and director of the Nanobioelectronics & Biosensors Group at Institut Català de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia (ICN2), a BIST centre situated at Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) campus (Bellaterra, Barcelona). After his PhD (1991) at Tirana University, in the topic of Ion-Selective-Electrodes (ISEs) designs and applications in clinical and environmental analysis, Dr. Merkoçi worked as postdoc at other European research centres and USA in the field of nanobiosensors and lab-on-a-chip technologies. His postdoc periods were followed by leading positions in several laboratories: (1997-2006) at Autonomous University of Barcelona and since 2006 in ICN2.
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Florie Mesple
Invited – Workshop 6: Advanced Characterization of 2DM and heterostructures
After her Masters degree in Université Grenoble Alpes, Florie is currently a Ph.D. student at PHELIQS laboratory of CEA. Her work focuses on the study of heterostrain effect on the electronic properties of monolayer and bilayer graphene systems. She uses low temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopes as an experimental tool. She studies the ubiquitous intrinsic heterostrain in samples of graphene grown on SiC, but is also interested in techniques to tune heterostrain in situ.
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Alberto Morpurgo
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Keynote – Plenary Session
Prof. Alberto Morpurgo is an expert in the investigation of the electronic properties of materials through the study of transport in nano-fabricated devices. He received his PhD in 1998 from the University of Groningen, where he worked on mesoscopic superconducting proximity effect and other aspects of mesoscopic physics (for which he was awarded the Miedema Prize for the best Dutch PhD thesis in condensed matter physics). After a two-year postdoctoral stay at Stanford University –where he mainly worked on carbon nanotubes- he moved to Delft University where he remained nearly nine years and became Associate Professor. In this period, next from starting his research on organic semiconductors, he worked on different aspects of quantum transport (Cooper pair splitting, Rashba two-dimensional electron gases, spintronics with carbon nanotubes) and started a successful research line on graphene electronics in 2006, just after the discovery of this material. Since Septembber 2008, Prof. Morpurgo is Professeur Ordinaire at the University of Geneva, where he is continuing his work on organic semiconductors and graphene, and starting new activities in the areas of topological insulators, oxide heterostructures, and ionic liquid gating. - nanocomposites.
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Klaus Müllen
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany
Plenary Talk
Klaus Müllen joined the Max Planck Society in 1989 as one of the directors of the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research. His PhD degree was granted by the University of Basel in 1972. He received his habilitation in 1977 at ETH, Zürich. In 1979 he became a Professor at the University of Cologne, and in 1983 at the Johannes-Gutenberg-University, Mainz. He owns about 60 patents, published over 1700 papers and has a h-index of 125.
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Stevan Nadj-Perge
Caltech, USA
Invited – Workshop 1: Twistronics and Topological Phenomena
Stevan Nadj-Perge is Assistant Professor of Applied Physics and Materials Science in the Engineering & Applied Sciences Division at Caltech. He received his Ph.D. from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands in 2010 under the supervision of Prof. Leo P. Kouwenhoven. Before starting at Caltech, he was a Marie Curie Fellow at Princeton University. His research explores quantum effects such as superconductivity, correlated electron behavior, and topological phenomena in two-dimensional materials that are only a few atoms thick. His group uses scanning tunneling microscopy and electronic transport measurements to uncover properties of unusual quantum states in these materials that may find applications in future quantum technologies. Prof. Nadj-Perge received the Kavli Nanoscience Institute-Wheatley Scholarship in 2017, National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2018 and, Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship in 2020.
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Jana B. Nieder
INL, Portugal
Invited – Workshop 2: 2D materials for Quantum Technologies
Jana Nieder joined INL in October 2014 after working as a postdoctoral fellow in the field of super-resolution microscopy at IGC – Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (Portugal) (04/2014 – 09/2014), and in ultrafast single-molecule spectroscopy at ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences (Spain) (04/2011- 03/2014) in the group of Niek van Hulst, where she was involved in the development and application of pulse shaping experiments suited to probe quantum coherent energy transfer processes in light-harvesting systems. She received her summa com laude PhD degree from the physic department of the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) in 2011, where her doctoral research (11/2005 – 03/2011) contributed to a better understanding of pigment-protein and plasmonic interaction effects and based on experiments that she performed at low temperature and on the single-molecule level. Jana Nieder is currently the Ultrafast Bio- and Nanophotonics Research Group Leader at INL.
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Kostya Novoselov
NUS, Singapore
Plenary Talk
Professor Sir Konstantin ‘Kostya’ Novoselov FRS was born in Russia in August 1974. He has both British and Russian citizenship. He is best known for isolating graphene at The University of Manchester in 2004, and is an expert in condensed matter physics, mesoscopic physics and nanotechnology. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010 for his achievements with graphene. Kostya is Langworthy Professor of Physics and Royal Society Research Professor at The University of Manchester.He graduated from The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and undertook his PhD studies at The University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands before moving to The University of Manchester in 2001. Professor Novoselov has published more than 250 peer-reviewed research papers.
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Anibal Pacheco-Sanchez
UAB, Spain
Invited - Industrial Forum
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Valentina Palmieri
ISC-CNR, Italy
Invited – Workshop 5: 2DM for Health & Medical Applications
Dr. Valentina Palmieri is Researcher at Institute for Complex Systems (ISC) at National Research Council (Italy). Valentina Palmieri is a medical biotechnologist and obtained a Ph.D. in Oncobiology and Medical Oncology in 2014. She worked in collaboration with several national and international groups and obtained National awards and International Grants such as Fondazione Umberto Veronesi Post-Doctoral Grant (2018), European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Grant (2017). She is an expert in nanomaterial synthesis and characterization and nanoparticle research, and her work is focused on graphene antimicrobial and diagnostics applications. She has published more than 80 publications and is currently Principal Investigator of Italian Ministry of Health Research Grant for Young Researchers.
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Stuart Parkin
Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany
Keynote – Plenary Session
Since 1 April 2014, Prof. Dr. Stuart Parkin is director at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics in Halle and professor at the Institute of Physics of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. He is also an IBM Fellow (IBM’s highest technical honor) and a Consulting professor in the Dept. of Applied Physics at Stanford University. Stuart Parkin is well known for his work on the giant magneto-resistance (GMR) effect, for which he shared the 1994 American Physical Society’s James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials and the Hewlett-Packard Europhysics Prize (European Physical Society, 1997) with Peter Grünberg and Albert Fert.
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Rebeca Ribeiro
Université Paris-Saclay, France
Invited – Workshop 1: Twistronics and Topological Phenomena
Rebeca is an experimental condensed matter physicist and the latest member of the group Phynano. She obtained her bachelor degree from the University of Carabobo in Venezuela her master's degree at the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC), where she was working in non-centrosymmetric superconductors at the low temperatures laboratory. After this she moved to France where she obtained her PhD in Physics from the Universite Paul Sabatier in Toulouse. Durign this time she worked at the French National High Magnetic Field Lab (LNCMI) in graphene nanoribbons under extreme conditions (high magnetic field and low temperature). Her first postdoc was at the French National Metrology lab (LNE) where they demonstrated the exceptional experimental conditions at wich graphene can be use as a quantum Hall resistance standard. After this Ishemoved to the US where she worked as a MRSEC fellow at Columbia University. Her work at Columbia was directed, among others, towards the in situ band structure manipulation of van der Waals heterostructures.
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Marta Sans Valls
Invited - Industrial Forum
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Hyeon-Jin Shin
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, South Korea
Invited - Industrial Forum
Hyeon-Jin Shin, Ph.D. is a Research Master at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Samsung Electronics. She is conducting fundamental and applied research about Graphene & 2D materials (TMD, h-BN) for electronic, and energy applications. She has focused on improving the performance of conventional Si devices using Graphene/2D materials as a component material. She is also developing new device concepts such as TMD logic transistor and a-BN ultralow-k beyond Si devices. She has published over 79 articles, which received over 7107 citations (h-index of 35). She also has been filled over 200 US patents.
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Christoph Stampfer
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Invited – Plenary Session
Christoph Stampfer, born on 24 May 1977 in Bolzano (Italy) studied electrical engineering and technical physics at the Technical University of Vienna in Austria. He completed a doctorate in the field of micro and nano systems technology with Prof. C. Hierold at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich (Switzerland). His doctoral thesis in 2008 was awarded the ETH medal. From March 2007, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the nanoscience group of Prof. K. Ensslin in the department of physics at ETH Zurich where he conducted pioneering quantum transport experiments on graphene nanostructures. Since 2009, Mr. Stampfer research as JARA-FIT junior professor at RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich where he deals with the basics of carbon based nanoelectronics. His work on graphene-based quantum electromechanical systems Him 2011 has a highly doped ERC Starting Grant introduced.
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Ravi Sundaram
Oxford Instruments, UK
Invited - Industrial Forum
Dr Ravi Sundaram is the Head of strategic R&D Markets at Oxford Instruments Nanotechnology tools responsible for leading the market strategy and collaborative R&D activity globally. He has been involved in materials research in several institutions such as EPFL, Switzerland, Max Planck Institute Stuttgart, Germany, IBM T.J Watson Research Labs, NY and Cambridge University where he worked on several aspects of 1D and 2D materials-based research from synthesis, fundamental science to prototype applications in sensors, optoelectronics and electronics. He joined Oxford Instruments to lead and coordinate R&D efforts towards 2D materials products. Currently, he is responsible for strategy and business development in key R&D markets such as 2Dmaterials, biomedical devices, integrated photonics, Quantum Technologies among others.
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Richard Van Rijn
Applied Nanolayers B.V., The Netherlands
Invited - Industrial Forum
Richard van Rijn obtained his PhD (2012) and a cum laude MSc (2007) in physics from Leiden University. He performed PhD research in Leiden and at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble. There he developed and implemented an experimental system for surface X-ray diffraction studies of heterogeneous catalysis and surface chemistry. He is (co-)author of 14 peer reviewed scientific articles in applied physics and physical chemistry. He has attended over 10 research conferences, several as invited speaker. Richard helped to commercialise the SXRD reactor via Leiden probe Microscopy BV. After his PhD, he returned to Leiden to work on scaling up graphene production and shortly after co-founded Applied Nanolayers, where he is currently CTO.
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Bart van Wees
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Invited – Plenary Session
Prof. B.J. (Bart) van Wees is professor of applied physics at the University of Groningen and the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials. He is a worldwide leading physicist in the field of electricity transport by quantum structures. Van Wees is a top researcher in the field of ‘spintronics’. He focuses mainly on its applications in the revolutionary material graphene.
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Sten Vollebregt
TU Delft, The Netherlands
Invited - Industrial Forum
Sten Vollebregt (IEEE Senior member) received his B.Sc. ('06) and M.Sc. ('09), both cum laude, in Electrical Engineering from Delft University of Technology. For his master thesis, he investigated the growth of carbon nanotubes at NanoLab, Newton, MA, USA and AIXTRON, Cambridge, UK. In 2014 he completed his Ph.D. thesis in the Microelectronics Department of the Delft University of Technology on the low-temperature high-density growth of carbon nanotubes for application as vertical interconnects in 3D monolithic integrated circuits. After obtaining his Ph.D., he held a post-doc position on the wafer-scale integration of graphene for sensing applications together with the faculty of Mechanical Engineering and several industrial partners. During this research, he developed a unique transfer-free wafer-scale CVD graphene process. Since Oct. 2017, he is an assistant professor in the Laboratory of Electronic Components, Technology and Materials of the Delft University of Technology where his research focuses on the integration of emerging electronic materials into semiconductor technology for sensing applications. His research interests are (carbon-based) nanomaterials, 3D monolithic integration, wide-bandgap semiconductors, and (harsh) environmental sensors. He has co-authored over 25 journal publications, 4 book chapters, and holds 3 patents.
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Klaus von Klitzing
Max Planck Institute for Solid State, Germany
Plenary Talk
Director Emeritus, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart Nobel Laureate, Physics 1985. Dr. von Klitzing studied physics at the University of Braunschweig and received his PhD from the University of Würzburg in 1972. After research stays in England, USA and France, he became a Professor at the Technical University in Munich in 1980 and 5 years later member of the Max Planck Society. Since 2018 he is director emeritus at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany. He has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1985 for the discovery of the Quantum Hall Effect. His present research activities concentrate on quantum transport in low dimensional electronic systems
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Han Wang
Keynote - Industrial Forum
Han Wang joined the University of Southern California (USC) in 2014 where he is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and holder of the Robert G. and Mary G. Lane Early Career Chair. Currently, he also leads the low dimensional materials research at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) Corporate Research. He received the B.A. degree in electrical and information science from Cambridge University in 2007 and his PhD degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2013. From 2013 to 2014, he was with the Nanoscale Science and Technology group at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. His research interests include the fundamental study and device innovation in electronics and photonics technology based on emerging nanomaterials for computing, communication and sensing applications. His work has been recognized with numerous awards including the IEEE Nanotechnology Council Early Career Award, the Army Research Office Young Invesitgator Award, National Science Foundation CAREER Award, USC Viterbi Junior Faculty Research Award, USC Zumberge Faculty Research Individual Award, the Roger A. Haken Best Paper Award in IEEE International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM), the Best Paper Award in International Conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (CS MANTECH) and the MIT Jin-Au Kong Best Doctoral Thesis Award. He is the IEEE Nanotechnology Council Distinguished Lecturer 2020-2021. He is also the recipient of the Orange County Engineering Council (OCEC) Outstanding Educator Award for contributions to science and engineering education in the Los Angeles area.
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Zhenxing Wang
AMO, Germany
Invited - Industrial Forum
Dr. Zhenxing Wang, head of the Graphene Electronics Group at AMO GmbH, has a PhD from Peking University on radio-frequency electronics based on graphene and carbon nanotubes, and a Post-Doc at the University of Erlangen- Nuremberg, where he also worked on graphene and self-assembled monolayers. Wang’s research activity focuses on the development of graphene-based electronics, especially for high frequency applications, as well as on the wafer scale integration of graphene material.
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Rune Wendelbo
Abalonyx, Norway
Invited - Industrial Forum
Rune Wendelbo is CEO of Abalonyx AS and Graphene Batteries AS. He holds a PhD from the University of Oslo, 1987, and has previously worked with R&D at Sintefs department for catalysis in Oslo, founded Abalonyx AS in 2005, now a well established producer of graphene oxide and Graphene oxide derivatives. He has worked with graphene oxide production and applications in Abalonyx, specifically with scale-up of a safe production process and development of a range of graphene oxide derivatives as well as a range of applications. In 2012 he established Graphene Batteries AS together with Dr. Rahul Fotedar, a company engaged in the development of new and improved cathode materials for batteries taking advantage of our knowledge and access to graphene derivatives. He has about 30 publications and about 20 patent and received ”SINTEFs prize for excellent research” in 2002.
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Zeila Zanolli
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Invited – Plenary Session
Since July 1st, 2020, Zeila Zanolli joined Utrecht University as associate professor in Quantum Chemical Modelling at the Chemistry Department/Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science. Until then (2018 – 2020) she was a Ramon y Cajal Fellow at ICN2, Barcelona (Spain), an excellence program of the Spanish Ministry for Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO). In 2016 – 2018, she leaded the Nanospintronics Group at the Physics Dept of RWTH Aachen University, funded by the DFG. In 2015 – 2012 she was Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow at Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany). She is a research group leader and Steering Committee member of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF). Since 2018, Dr. Zanolli serves in the Executive Committee of the MaX (MAterials design at the eXascale) European Centre of Excellence which enables materials modelling, simulations, discovery and design at the frontiers of the current and future High Performance Computing (HPC), High Throughput Computing (HTC) and data analytics technologies. Since 2019 Dr. Zanolli serves in the Editorial College of SciPost Physics, a Free Open Access publication portal. In 2017 she has been elected Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE), a pan-European network of scientists active in science policy, and since 2018 she is board member and treasurer of the YAE.
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Amaia Zurutuza
Graphenea, Spain
Invited - Industrial Forum
She received her Ph.D. degree in polymer chemistry from the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK) in 2002. From 2001 to 2003, she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working in two European projects related to molecularly imprinted polymers. In 2004, she joined Ferring Pharmaceuticals (previously Controlled Therapeutics) where she worked in the research of new controlled drug delivery systems as a Senior Polymer Scientist. In 2010, she became the Scientific Director of Graphenea. At Graphenea, she leads the research and development activities on graphene-based materials. Since joining Graphenea, she has so far filed for thirteen patents and published more than 74 publications. Principal Investigator in 21 EU FP7/H2020 funded research projects.