CHART (Participants / Countries)
All participants in person (671)Only participants fully registered (payment processed) will appear listed below
Last Name First Name Institution Country
Abdul Samad Yarjan RIC2D United Arab Emirates
Abrantes Mafalda International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory Portugal
Abruzzese Matteo BeDimensional Italy
Achari Amritroop University of Manchester UK
Achilli Simona INFN Italy
Adams Lewis Keele University UK
Agarwal Pooja Saha Institute Of Nuclear Physics India
Agius Anastasi Anthea University of Malta Malta
Al Amairi Nawal University of Manchester UK
Al Busaidi Rahma University of Manchester UK
Al Ezzi Mohammed National University of Singapore Singapore
Al Ruqeishi Eman University of Manchester UK
Alammadi Ayman Miyako International Co., Ltd. Japan
Alcázar Guerrero Pedro ICN2 Spain
Alcázar Ruano Pedro Luis Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain
Aldridge Paul HORIBA Scientific UK
Alekseev Egor Constructor Switzerland
AlGhaferi Amal Khalifa University United Arab Emirates
Alhajji Eman KAUST Saudi Arabia
Alhashmi Mahmood University of Manchester UK
Almahri Mariam Khalifa University United Arab Emirates
Alridge Paul HORIBA Scientific UK
Alsalman Hussain KACST Saudi Arabia
Amato Francesco Università of Rome "La Sapienza" Italy
Amitay Shaked Tel Aviv University Israel
Anderson Christopher University of Manchester UK
Anichini Cosimo Bedimensional S.p.A Italy
Anindya Khalid Nowaz Polytechnique Montréal Canada
Anirban Ankita Nature Reviews Physics UK
Arafat Hassan RIC2D United Arab Emirates
Ashirov Timur University of Fribourg Switzerland
Asrosa Rica University College London UK
Asselberghs Inge IMEC Belgium
Astié Vincent Annealsys France
Ba Qianqian University of Szeged Hungary
Bae Gaeun Seoul national university South Korea
Bakandritsos Aristeidis Palacky University Olomouc Czech Republic
Balakrishna Pillai Premlal University of Manchester UK
Bampoulis Pantelis University of Twente The Netherlands
Barber Kevin ThermoFisher UK
Barnes Matthew Applied Nanolayers B.V. The Netherlands
Barraza-Lopez Salvador University of Arkansas USA
Barri Nima University of Toronto Canada
Barrier Julien University of Manchester UK
Bartlam Cian HORIBA Scientific UK
Bas Ekin Esme TU Dresden Germany
Bascones Leni ICMM/CSIC Spain
Bastante Flores Pablo UAM Spain
Baudin Emmanuel CNRS/ENS France
Beckeman Richard Grand Valley State University USA
Bedran Zakhar University of Manchester UK
Ben Shalom Moshe Tel Aviv University Israel
Bensuade Vincent Bernadette University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne France
Bergmann Annika University of Rostock Germany
Berwick James Nanosurf Switzerland
Besbinar Ömür Ankara University Turkey
Bianco Giuseppe Valerio CNR-NANOTEC Italy
Bigeard Gaelle IMEP-LaHC France
Birkbeck John Weizmann Institute of Science Israel
Bissett Mark University of Manchester UK
Black Edward Keele University UK
Boandoh Stephen Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Italy
Boccard Laurence HORIBA Scientific France
Boczkowski Jorge Inserm France
Boland Tara Technical University of Denmark Denmark
Bonaccorso Francesco BeDimensional Italy
Booth Timothy DTU Fysik Denmark
Bøggild Peter Technical University of Denmark Denmark
Brem Samuel Philipps University Marburg Germany
Bretel Rémi LPENS France
Briston Sarah University of Manchester UK
Brochard Cléophanie C2N France
Brunel David Thales Research & Technology France France
Brunet Paul CEA France
Brunnett Frederic Unite Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales Universite Paris-Saclay France
Bruno Giovanni CNR-NANOTEC Italy
Bryer Katherine IOP Publishing UK
Bukovska Hanna CIEMAT Spain
Burman Joseph John University of Liverpool UK
Burnett Hannah University of Manchester UK
Burrow Daniel University of Manchester UK
Bussy Cyrill The university of Manchester UK
Busuttil Ryan University of Malta Malta
Butterfield Daniel University of Manchester UK
Campbell Aidan Heriot-Watt University UK
Canonico Luis Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Spain
Canulescu Stela DTU Denmark
Cao Yang Xiamen University China
Caputo Laura Université catholique de Louvain Belgium
Carbone Paola The University of Manchester UK
Carey David University of Surrey UK
Carl Amy University of Manchester UK
Casiraghi Cinzia University of Manchester UK
Cassar Glenn University of Malta Malta
Castenetto Pauline University of Namur Belgium
Castilla Sebastián ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences Spain
Cervenka Jiri FZU – Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences Czech Republic
Chae Sanghoon Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Chaigneau Marc HORIBA FRANCE SAS France
Charlier Jean-Christophe University of Louvain Belgium
Chattrakarn Sorayut University of Manchester UK
Chauhan Neha Indian Institute of Science India
Chen Hao NUS Singapore
Chen Liming University of Manchester UK
Chen Mingwei University of Manchester UK
Cho Hyeonwoo Seoul National University South Korea
Cho Seungmin MCK Tech Co. Ltd South Korea
Choi Junho Korea Research Insitute of Standards and Science South Korea
Chonedan Johnson Jaimon CNR IMM Italy
Chshiev Mairbek SPINTEC, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA, CNRS France
Chung Hyun-Jong A Barristor Company South Korea
Cipriano de Carvalho Thiago SENAI-SP Brazil
Clifford Charles National Physical Laboratory UK
Coelho Carlos SENAI-SP Brazil
Cohen Assael Technion Israel
Coleman Jonathan Trinity College Dublin Ireland
Coleman Rebecca Paragraf UK
Coletti Camilla IIT Italy
Colombo Luigi The University of Texas at Dallas USA
Connolly Andrew University of Manchester UK
Convertino Domenica Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Italy
Conway Natasha Paragraf UK
Correia Antonio Phantoms Foundation Spain
Corte-Léon Héctor Nanosurf UK
Costi Ronny SlideTro LTD Israel
Craig Isaac UC Berkeley USA
Cresti Alessandro CNRS France
Criado Alejandro Universidade da Coruña - CICA Spain
Culverhouse Trudie University of Manchester UK
Cummings Aron Catalan Institute of Nansocience and Nanotechnology Spain
Curati Naomi The University of Manchester UK
Dahan Pinchas Achva Academic College Israel
Daqiqshirazi Mohammadreza TU Dresden Germany
Dau Minh-Tuan CRHEA-Université Côte d´Azur France
Davis Luke Molymem UK
Day Philip University of Manchester UK
de Groot Kees University of Southampton UK
de Jongh Patrick Royal Society Of Chemistry UK
de Souza E.A. Thoroh SENAI-SP Brazil
de Wal Dennis University of Groningen The Netherlands
Deeks Christopher Thermofisher UK
Delacour Cécile Institut Neel - CNRS France
Delogu Lucia Gemma University of Padua, Italy & NYUAD, USA Italy
Demin Evgeniy 2D Innovation GmbH Germany
Desgué Eva THALES Research & Technology France
Despotelis Kostas National Physical Laboratory UK
Despotopoulou Despoina Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Spain
Dewes Ben University of Nottingham UK
Di Carlo Aldo University of Rome "Tor Vergata" Italy
Di Mauro Villari Leone Unviversity of Manchester UK
Dimitropoulos Marinos FORTH/ICE-HT and University of Patras Greece
Dixit Pooja University of Manchester UK
Dobryden Illia RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Sweden
Domaretskiy Daniil The University of Manchester UK
Dongjie Pan Jiangsu Jiangnan Xiyuan Graphene S&T Co., Ltd. China
Doo Su Yeon Sungkyunkwan University South Korea
Döscher Henning Fraunhofer Germany
Douglas-Henry Danielle Trinity College Dublin Ireland
Drewitz Oleg 2D Innovation GmbH Germany
Dubois Simon UCLouvain Belgium
Dumitriu-Iovanescu Alexandra-Daria The University of Manchester UK
Dumpala Tirumala The University of Manchester UK
Duong Ngoc Thanh National University of Singapore - Kent Ridge Campus: National University of Singapore Singapore
Duraiswamy Srinivasan Reliance Industries India
Ek Weis Johan Chalmers Industriteknik Sweden
El Kazzi Salim AIXTRON SE Germany
El-Sayed Forat RIC2D United Arab Emirates
Eladly Ahmed University of Manchester UK
Enaldiev Vladimir National Graphene Institute UK
Ermolaev Georgy XPANCEO United Arab Emirates
Ersu Gulsum Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM - CSIC) Spain
Estrada David Boise State University USA
Estrada-Álvarez Jorge Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain
Falko Olga The University of Manchester / NGI UK
Falko Vladimir The University of Manchester / NGI UK
Fan Yujia University College London UK
Fandan Rajveer Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Spain
Fekri Zahra HZDR Germany
Feng Mengjie University of Manchester UK
Feng Xinliang Technische Universitaet Dresden Germany
Fernández Carrasco Daniel INCAR Spain
Fernandez Panella Amalia Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation USA
Ferrari Andrea Cambridge Graphene Centre, University of Cambridge UK
Fickl Bernhard TU Wien Austria
Figueiredo Fernandes Lorena University of Manchester UK
Flack Angela Edinburgh Instruments UK
Flint Steve The University of Manchester UK
Fornieri Antonio Springer Nature UK
Franck Max IHP - Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik Germany
Fratesi Guido INFN and University of Milan Italy
Freinkman Boris KIAM RAS Russia
Fu Yunqiao Beijing Graphene Institute China
Fujita Ryuji University of Oxford UK
Fülöp Bálint BME Budapest University of Technology and Economics Hungary
Fumagalli Laura University of Manchester UK
Gal-Greenwood Adi National Graphene Institute UK
Galfe Natalie Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen Germany
Galiotis Costas FORTH/ ICE-HT and University of Patras Greece
Galli Rossella CNR- IMM Italy
Galvao-Tizei Luiz Universite Paris Saclay France
Gao Yunze University of Manchester UK
Garaj Slaven NUS Singapore
Garcia Aguilar Jose Hugo Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Spain
García Pina Daniel CSIC - Centro de Física de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU Spain
Garcia-Ruiz Aitor University of Manchester UK
Gardner Edward Royal Society Of Chemistry UK
Gargiani Pierluigi ALBA synchrotron Spain
Gehring Pascal UCLouvain Belgium
Geim Andre University of Manchester UK
Georgantas Yiannis University of Mancehster UK
Gerardot Brian D. Heriot-Watt University UK
Ghosh Arindam Indian Institute of Science India
Ghosh Avik University of Virginia USA
Giusca Cristina National Physical Laboratory UK
Giza Malgorzata Warsaw University of Technology Poland
Glitzner Cornelius Honda R&D Europe (Deutschland) GmbH Germany
Godber Mark The University of Manchester UK
Goldie Stuart Kasssel University Germany
Goodwin Danielle Swansea University UK
Gravagnuolo Alfredo Maria The University of Manchester UK
Greensmith Polly University of Manchester UK
Griffin Eoin University of Manchester UK
Grigorieva Irina University of Manchester UK
Grillo Alessandro University of Manchester UK
Gröning Oliver EMPA Switzerland
Grosso Gabriele ASRC CUNY USA
Guo Qian University of Manchester UK
Guo Wanlin Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics China
Gupta Anshu Institute of Nano Science and Technology India
Gupta Kamesh India Innovation Centre for Graphene India
Gutierrez Niño Nelson Universidad Industrial de Santander Colombia
Hadjidemetriou Marilena University of Manchester UK
Haigh Sarah University of Manchester UK
Harutyunyan Avetik R. Honda Research Institute USA Inc. USA
Heier Jakob Empa Switzerland
Heiserer Stefan University of the Bundeswehr Munich Germany
Hepburn Derek Colloids Limited UK
Herling Franz ICN2 Spain
Hermannsdorfer André Robert Bosch GmbH Germany
Hersam Mark Northwestern University USA
Hiltunen Vesa-Matti Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Italy
Hirtz Michael KIT Germany
Hjelt Kari Chalmers Industrial Technic Sweden
Ho Tam Northumbria University UK
Ho Yu Siong University of Manchester UK
Hodge Stephen Versarien UK
Hodoroaba Dan BAM Germany
Hoffmann Rebecca ICFO Spain
Hone James Columbia University in the City of New York USA
Honet Antoine University of Namur Belgium
Hong Byung Hee Seoul National University South Korea
Hong Seunghyun Khalifa University United Arab Emirates
Hong Sunhwa Seoul National University South Korea
Hoole Christopher National Graphene Institute UK
Hore Katie Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology UK
Hossain Mohammad Israil The University of Manchester UK
Hovancík Dávid Charles University Czech Republic
Howe Richard Mewburn Ellis LLP UK
Hu Junxiong National University of Singapore Singapore
Hu Sheng Xiamen University China
Hu Xuerong The University of Sheffield UK
Huang Yuheng University of Manchester UK
Iliut Maria The University of Manchester UK
Indykiewicz Kornelia National Graphene Institute UK
Inman Alex Drexel University USA
Ioannou Dimitris George Mason University USA
Ion-Ebrasu Daniela National Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies ICSI-Rm. Valcea Romania
Irizar Martin CSIC-Centro de Fisica de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU Spain
Irshad Samina-Gül Max-Planck Institute Germany
Islam Md Akibul University of Toronto Canada
Izquierdo Raúl Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Spain
Jagosz Julia Ruhr-Universität Bochum Germany
James Alex Digital University Kerala India
Jarillo-Herrero Pablo MIT USA
Jasim Dhifaf Medicines Discovery Catapult & University of Manchester UK
Jat Mohit Kumar Indian institute of Science, Bangalore India
Jauho Antti-Pekka DTU Denmark
Javazmi Leila University of Southern Queensland Australia
Jhang Sung Ho Konkuk University South Korea
Jia Kaicheng Beijing Graphene Institute China
Jialei Ji Jiangsu Jiangnan Xiyuan Graphene S&T Co., Ltd. China
Jiang Guangya Leiden University The Netherlands
Jiang Ziyi University of Manchester UK
Jiao Andy Leiden University The Netherlands
Jouvray Alex AIXTRON Ltd, UK UK
Ju Yi (David) RMIT University Australia
Jung Juyoung Sungkyunkwan University South Korea
Jung Suyong KRISS South Korea
Kaiser Ute Ulm University Germany
Kalon Gopinadhan Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar India
Kamyar Negin University of Manchester UK
Kang Xiaofang Leiden University The Netherlands
Karakasidi Angeliki University of Manchester UK
Karavadra Shailesh ThermoFisher UK
Kareekunnan Afsal Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Japan
Kataria Satender RWTH Aachen University Germany
Kaur Simrandeep Indian Institute of Science India
Kaya Onurcan ICN2 Spain
Kazakova Olga NPL UK
Kazantsev Alexander University of Manchester UK
Kedves Máté Budapest University of Technology and Economics Hungary
Kee To University of Manchester UK
Keith Kevin MITO Material USA
Kenaz Ralfy The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel
Kerfoot James Park Systems UK Ltd UK
Khatibi Zahra Trinity College Dublin Ireland
Khaustov Vladislav Italian Institute of Technology Italy
Kim Chanjin Seoul National University South Korea
Kim Chunghun Gachon University South Korea
Kim Dae Hoon MCK Tech Co., Ltd. South Korea
Kim Jaewon Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) South Korea
Kim Jin Heung MCK Tech Co., Ltd. South Korea
Kim Kwangseop Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) South Korea
Kim Myung Jong Gachon University South Korea
Kim Philip Harvard University USA
Kim Taewan Jeonbuk National University South Korea
Kim Youngjae KIAS South Korea
Kinloch Ian University of Manchester UK
Kipping Michael Element Materials Technology UK
Kisby Thomas University of Manchester UK
Kitchin Nick Cumulus Energy Storage Ltd UK
Klenk Sebastian University of the Bundeswehr Munich Germany
Knight Alexander University of Sheffield UK
Knorr Willy University Marburg Germany
Kolos Miroslav University of Ostrava Czech Republic
Kolosov Oleg Lancaster University UK
Komrakova Sofiia University of Manchester UK
Konyzheva Sofia The University of Manchester UK
Koppens Frank ICREA/ICFO Spain
Korolkov Vladimir Park Systems Europe Germany
Kostarelos Kostas University of Manchester UK
Kotsiopoulos Ioannis RIC2D United Arab Emirates
Koutsioukis Apostolos Trinity College Dublin Ireland
Kretinin Andrey Manchester University UK
Krishna Kumar Roshan ICFO Spain
Krishnan Devandran NanoMalaysia Berhad Malaysia
Krotkus Simonas AIXTRON SE Germany
Kuddus Abdul Ritsumeikan University Japan
Kumar Madhav Oxford Instruments UK
Kundu Hemanta Kumar Weizmann Institute of Science Israel
Kyzas George International Hellenic University Greece
Lajaunie Luc University of Cádiz Spain
Lanza Mario KAUST Saudi Arabia
Lapinska Anna Warsaw University of Technology Poland
Larossa Igor University of Manchester UK
Layek Surat Tata Institute of Fundamental Research India
Le Chinh Tam University of Ulsan South Korea
Lee HaEun Seoul National University South Korea
Lee Hyo-Chang Korea Aerospace University South Korea
Lee Jayhyun Graphene Square Inc. South Korea
Lee Lok Yi Paragraf Ltd UK
Lee Yejun Seoul National University South Korea
Lee Young Hee Sungkyunkwan University South Korea
Legagneux Pierre THALES R&T France
Li Jing CEA France
Li Wei TU Dresden Germany
Li Xiao City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR
Li Xiao National Graphene Institute UK
Lim Youngji Graphene Square Inc. South Korea
Lin Li Peking University China
Lin Shisheng Zhejiang University China
Little Jay Lancaster University UK
Liu Lina Aarhus University Denmark
Liu Ming-Hao National Cheng Kung University Taiwan
Liu Tsai-Jung TU Dresden Germany
Liu William Beijing Association for Advanced Carbon Industry Promotion China
Liu Zhongfan Peking University China
Lockhart de la Rosa César Javier IMEC Belgium
Lowe Mark Productive Innovations Limited UK
Lozada-Hidalgo Marcelo University of Manchester UK
Lozano Neus Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia Spain
Luican-Mayer Adina University of Ottawa Canada
Lulla Kunal University of Manchester UK
Luo Mingdi Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research Germany
M. Pinto Artur LEPABE - University of Porto Portugal
MacDonald Andrew University of Manchester UK
Magorrian Samuel University of Warwick UK
Maia Anderson SENAI-SP Brazil
Maity Arnab Technion Israel
Mallett Grace University of Manchester UK
Manasi Apostolia AIXTRON SE Germany
Mann Harsimran Kaur Indian Institute of Science India
Marffy Albin Budapest University of Technology Hungary
Margaryan Narek A Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory Armenia
Martella Christian CNR-IMM Italy
Martinez Jodar Alberto INCAR-CSIC Spain
Matte H S S Ramakrishna Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences India
Mattevi Cecilia Imperial College London UK
Mazzei Francesca Università della Calabria Italy
McBreen Peter Laval University Canada
McElhone Lucy University of Manchester UK
McEllistrim Andrew University of Manchester UK
McGurk Stephen Edinburgh Instruments UK
Medina Dueñas Joaquín Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2) Spain
Mehdi Layla University of Liverpool UK
Mehew Jake Dudley Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2) Spain
Meincke Melanie Nanion Technologies/ LMU Munich Germany
Mejía-Ospino Enrique Universidad Industrial de Santander Colombia
Melendez Armada Daniel Atomic Mechanics UK
Meneghini Giuseppe Philipps University of Marburg Germany
Menichetti Guido Università di Pisa / IIT Italy
Menzel Robert University of Leeds UK
Meyer Jannik C. University of Tuebingen Germany
Michalowski Pawel Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics Poland
Michalski Alexander Protemics GmbH Germany
Milowska Karolina CIC nanoGUNE Spain
Mišeikis Vaidotas Istituto italiano di tecnologia Italy
Mishchenko Artem The University of Manchester UK
Mitchell Jacob KLA UK
Mo Sung-Kwan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory USA
Mohammedture Meriam Technology Innovation Institute United Arab Emirates
Moles Pablo Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain
Mondal Titash Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur India
Moreno Cesar Universidad de Cantabria Spain
Morin Pierre IMEC: Interuniversitair Micro-Elektronica Centrum France
Morpurgo Alberto Université de Genève Switzerland
Moulsdale Christian University of Manchester UK
Mrenca-Kolasinska Alina AGH University of Science and Technology Poland
Mucha-Kruczynski Marcin University of Bath UK
Munoz-Vargas Selene Durham University UK
Munuera Jose Trinity College Dublin Ireland
Muramatsu Kazuo Incubation Alliance, Inc. Japan
Murugesan Ramasamy KU Leuven Belgium
Nair Srijit Kerala India
Nakano Masaki University of Tokyo Japan
Narayanan Narayanan Tharangattu Tata Institute of Fundamental Research-Hyderabad India
Nath Upasana Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati India
Naylor Carl Intel – Components Research USA
Nazir Aftab Huawei Belgium
Nessim Gilbert Daniel Bar-Ilan University Israel
Nestle Nikolaus BASF SE Germany
Nguyen Ekaterina The University of Manchester UK
Nguyen Viet Hung Université Catholique de Louvain Belgium
Noor-A-Alam Md Tyndall National Institute Ireland
Noriega Natalia University of Brighton UK
Novoselov Kostya NUS Singapore
Nowack Tim University Kassel Germany
Nowakowski Krystian ICFO Spain
Noy Aleksandr Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory USA
Nunn James University of Warwick UK
Nwosu Christian The University of Manchester UK
Occhipinti Luigi University of Cambridge UK
Ogunrin Aralolaoluwa Timothy University of Manchester UK
Oh Hong Gi MCK Tech Co., Ltd. South Korea
Ohtsuka Keita Honda R&D Europe Germany
Oikonomou Ilias-Panagiotis Trinity College Dublin Ireland
Okuno Hanako CEA-Grenoble France
Okwelogu Emmanuel University of Manchester UK
Ordejon Pablo ICN2 Spain
Orozco Francisco Bruker Nano GmbH Germany
Oudshoorn Bodil Inov-8 UK
Ozyilmaz Barbaros NUS Singapore
Pálinkás András Centre for Energy Research Hungary
Pandey Mukesh Indian Institute of Technology Ropar India
Pandey Satakshi CNRS, IPCMS, University of Strasbourg France
Parambath Muhammad Sajeer Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore India
Parappurath Aparna Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore India
Parker Helen University of Manchester UK
Patane Amalia University of Nottingham UK
Paton Keith National Physical Laboratory UK
Paul Suvodeep Indian institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal India
Pedro Fontes Ana Beatriz Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences - UCLouvain Belgium
Peiro Julian CNRS-Thales Joint lab France
Peng Pai University of Manchester UK
Peng Zixing The University of Manchester UK
Perez-Pucheta Marcos Fernando Durham University UK
Petrovic Marin Institute of Physics Croatia (Hrvatska)
Pezo Armando CINaM - UMR 7325 - CNRS - Aix Marseille Université France
Pharazyn Evah Productive Innovations Limited UK
Philipson Hilary Keele University UK
Pollard Andrew NPL UK
Pommier Delphine Thales TRT France
Portesi Chiara INRIM Italy
Pospisil Jiri Charles University Czech Republic
Poudel Shiva Prasad University of Arkansas USA
Powar Avinash The University of Manchester UK
Powell Lewis The University of Manchester UK
Power Stephen Dublin City University Ireland
Principi Alessandro University of Manchester UK
Prucha Lukas Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS Czech Republic
Pucher Thomas Materials Science Institute Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) Spain
Puebla Sergio Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM) Spain
Pumphrey Rhys MDPI UK
Pusapati Varun Varma ICFO Spain
Qi Rongrong University of Manchester UK
Qi Yue Beijing Graphene Institute (BGI) China
Qiao Lu University of Manchester UK
Rabelo Matos Debora Geological Survey of Brazil Brazil
Radnik Jörg BAM Germany
Radu Iuliana TSMC Corporate Research Taiwan
Rahaman Sabiar University of Manchester UK
Raju Md Ashraful Islam IHP- Leibniz Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik Germany
Ram Ankita CNRS ,IPCMS, University of Strasbourg France
Rana Deepti Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali India
Rao Qing The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR
Rasouli Hamid Reza Friedrich Schiller University Jena Germany
Raveendran Nair Rahul University of Manchester UK
Razeghi Mohammadali UCLouvain Belgium
Reed Benjamen National Physical Laboratory UK
Ren Wencai Chinese Academy of Sciences China
Reynolds Helen RIC2D United Arab Emirates
Reynolds Michael Queensland University of Technology Australia
Ribeiro Bruno Laboratório de Estruturas Leves (LEL) - Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT) Brazil
Ribeiro Rebeca Université Paris-Saclay France
Richards David HORIBA UK
Rimmer Max University of Manchester UK
Rinke Gordon AMO Germany
Roberts-Bleming Susan American Pan UK
Roche Stephan ICREA/ICN2 Spain
Roh Ji Soo University of Manchester UK
Roldan Jose Luis Phantoms Foundation Spain
Rossi Antonio Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Italy
Roy Nirmal Tel Aviv University Israel
Rozhansky Igor University of Manchester UK
Saadi Zakaria Lancaster University UK
Sahoo Priyabrata Centre for Nano and soft Matter Sciences India
Sahoo Ramesh Chandra Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences India
Sahoo Swastik IIT BOMBAY India
Salleh Atri Simon Tel Aviv University Israel
Samartzis Nikolaos FORTH/ICE-HT Greece
Samori Paolo Université de Strasbourg France
Sampson Bill University of Manchester UK
Sandberg Henrik VTT Finland
Sandeman Susan University of Brighton UK
Saner Okan Burcu Sabanci University Turkey
Sanyal Biplab Uppsala University Sweden
Sargeni Riccardo Università di Pisa Italy
Sarkar Kalyan Jyoti University of Chemistry and Technology Prague Czech Republic
Sarsfield Patrick University of Manchester UK
Sawallich Simon Protemics Germany
Schmitt Aurélien LPENS-CNRS France
Schon Peter Bruker France
Seiler Anna University of Göttingen Germany
Selfors Espen Werdal University of Bergen Norway
Shah Ajay Reliance Industries India
Shah Darshil Eskay Iodine Pvt. Ltd. India
Shaijumon M M IISER India
Shapiro Ofer SlideTro LTD Israel
Sharaby Yoav Tel Aviv University Israel
Sharma Rishabh The University of Manchester UK
Sharp Paul Medicines Discovery Catapult UK
Shiffa Mujahid University of Warwick UK
Shiffa Mustaqeem University of Nottingham UK
Shin Yu Young Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - Helmholtz Institute Ulm Germany
Shrivastava Mayank Indian Institute of Science Bangalore india
Siddique Beenish Gelponics UK
Singh Amit University of Manchester UK
Sinnott Pierce Trinity College Dublin Ireland
Slizovskiy Sergey National Graphene Institute, The University of Manchester UK
Soikkeli Miika VTT Finland
Soliman Mohamed Universite De Strasbourg France
Soltani Rym Carbon Waters France
Soltero Ochoa Isaac National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester UK
Son Young-Woo Korea Institute for Advanced Study South Korea
Song Yuqing Beijing Graphene Institute China
Soni Radhika Indian Institute of Science India
Stepanov Petr University of Notre Dame USA
Strobel Kevin University of Tuebingen, Inst of Appl. Phys. Germany
Strudwick Andrew GEIC UK
Su Yang Tsinghua University China
Summerfield Alex The National Graphene Institute UK
Sun Luzhao Beijing Graphene Institute China
Sun Pengzhan University of Macau Macau SAR
Sun Yan Universite Paris-Saclay France
Suran Swathi IMEC The Netherlands
Svetlik Josef ICN2 Spain
Tan Chuin Wei Singapore University of Technology and Design Singapore
Tan Yong Tao University of Manchester UK
Tarasov Alexey University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern Germany
Tarcan Raluca MDPI Switzerland
Tashiro Takahisa Honda R&D Europe (Deutschland) GmbH Germany
Terral Océane Institut Néel - CNRS France
Terrones Diego USA
Terrones Mauricio The Pennsylvania State University USA
Teshigawara Makoto Japan Atomic Energy Agency Japan
Tessarek Christian University of Bremen, Institute of Solid State Physics Germany
Tharrault Marin LPENS France
Thawley Lexi University of Manchester UK
Thean Aaron National University of Singapore Singapore
Thiesen Peter Park Systems Europe GmbH Germany
Tho Che Chen Singapore University of Technology and Design Singapore
Thomas John Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory USA
Thompson Joshua Philipps Univeristät Marburg Germany
Thongsukh Korndanai University of Manchester UK
Tian Huifeng Peking University China
Tielrooij Klaas-Jan Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) Spain
Tingay John Paragraf Ltd. UK
Tomarchio Flavia Constructor Group Switzerland
Tommasi Cosimo Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Italy
Toscano Figueroa Jesus Carlos The University of Manchester UK
Toth Peter University of Szeged Hungary
Tran Thi Uyen Sungkyungkwan University South Korea
Tran Viet Anh Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences - UCLouvain Belgium
Trousset Pierre CEA France
Trushin Maxim National University of Singapore Singapore
Turchanin Andrey Friedrich Schiller University Jena Germany
Ullberg Nathan Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, CNRS, NIMBE, LICSEN France
Uppara Parasu Veera ESKAY Specialty Chemicals Ltd India
Valenzuela Sergio O. ICREA - ICN2 Spain
Valles Cristina University of Manchester UK
Van Rijn Richard Applied Nanolayers B.V. The Netherlands
Vaquero Daniel University of Salamanca Spain
Velasco Santiago Andres Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Spain
Vera Marun Ivan University of Manchester UK
Verhagen Tim FZU - Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences Czech Republic
Vijayaraghavan Aravind The University of Manchester UK
Visegorodceva Anya The University of Manchester UK
Vishwanathan Savithri Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences India
Vita Damasceno João Paulo Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - IIT / University of Campinas - Unicamp Italy
Voelkel Lukas Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University Germany
Vojácek Libor SPINTEC France
Volný Jirí Charles University in Prague Czech Republic
Vranic Sandra University of Manchester UK
Vu Van Binh CEA SACLAY France
Walker John AIXTRON Ltd, UK UK
Wang Rui The University of Manchester UK
Wang Yadong The University Of Sheffield UK
Wang Yinhao Harbin Institute of Technology China
Wang Yue Ningbo Graphene Innovation Center Co., Ltd. China
Wang Zhaodong PGI-7 Germany
Wang Zhiyuan University of Manchester China
wang Zihao NUS Singapore
Wang Ziwei The University of Manchester UK
Waters Dacen University of Washington USA
Wei Hao Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales France
Wei Zixuan The University of Manchester UK
Whittaker John GEIC UK
Won Sejeong Center for Advanced Meta-Materials South Korea
Wotherspoon Alex IOP Publishing UK
Wu Zefei University of Manchester UK
Wufeng Chen Ashine Advanced Carbon Material (Changzhou) Limited Corporation China
Wykes Robert University of Manchester UK
Xiang Ying University of Manchester UK
Xie Shihong University of Nottingham UK
Xin Na University of Manchester UK
Xu Dan Ningbo Graphene Innovation Center Co., Ltd. China
Xu Mang University of Manchester UK
Xu Qian University of Manchester UK
Xu Xiangming King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Saudi Arabia
Yaish Yuval Technion Israel
Yakobson Boris Rice University USA
Yang Boxuan University of Groningen The Netherlands
Yang Elisa Shuoying Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Spain
Yang Qian University of Manchester UK
Yang Wei Institute of Physics, CAS China
Yankowitz Matthew University of Washington USA
Yao Chengning Imperial College London UK
Yao Wang The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
Ye Lilei Chalmers Industriteknik Sweden
Yen Chun-Chieh Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research Germany
Yilmazer Aktuna Acelya Ankara University Turkey
Yoon Min-Ah Center for Advanced Meta-Materials South Korea
Young Robert The University of Manchester UK
Yu Woo Jong Sungkyunkwan University South Korea
Yu Xiaoxiao The University of Manchester UK
Zahid Muhammad Leonardo SpA Italy Italy
Zappia Marilena Isabella Bedimensional S.p.A. Italy
Zdenek Sofer UCT Prague Czech Republic
Zhang Jing University of Manchester UK
Zhang Jingyi University of Glasgow UK
Zhang Rui University of Manchester UK
Zhang Xiaomeng University of Manchester UK
Zhang Yu Beijing Institute of Technology China
Zhao Dong Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research Germany
Zheng Yuntian National University of Singapore Singapore
Zhou Bowen Technical University of Denmark Denmark
Zhou Jiaqi Université catholique de Louvain Belgium
Only participants fully registered (payment processed) will appear listed below 
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