Information for poster presenters:

Poster size: A0 format (width: 841 mm x Height: 1189 mm) (Portrait).
Posters Presentation:We recommend the poster presenters to stand in front of their poster in order to enhance fruitful discussions
Posters Schedule: From Tuesday morning (June 27) to Thursday (June 29) until the afternoon coffee break
All posters should be removed on Thursday June 29 within 1 hour after the end of the afternoon coffee break - all Graphene2023 posters displayed during the 3 days
Other info: To each poster will be assigned a number. You will find velcro tape directly on the panel to hang your poster.
Check the number assigned to your poster at the entrance of the exhibition and posters hall.
** We would like to inform that abstracts won't be listed in the Graphene2023 booklet if the registration fee is not paid until Wednesday May 30, 2023.**
POSTERS (196) - Alphabetical order
Poster nº Author & Title Abstract
42 Matteo Abruzzese (BeDimensional, Italy)
Carbon-Coated Silicon Nanoparticles in a Few-Layer Graphene-based Conductive Network: a High-Capacity Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries
74 Lewis Adams (Keele University , UK)
Growth of 2D Iron selenide via salt-assisted chemical vapour deposition (CVD)
106 Pooja Agarwal (Saha Institute Of Nuclear Physics, India)
Impact of local density inhomogeneity on non-local resistance in 2DEG
43 Nawal Al Amairi (University of Manchester, UK)
Ultra-Fast High-Responsivity Graphene-Silicon Schottky Avalanche Photodiode
26 Rahma Al Busaidi (University of Manchester, UK)
Graphene oxide membranes for processing pharmaceutical aqueous waste streams
181 Mohammed Al Ezzi (National University of Singapore , Singapore)
Topological Flat Bands in Super-moiré Lattices
160 Pedro Alcázar Guerrero (ICN2, Spain)
Tight binding simulations of twisted graphene multilayers
140 Pedro Luis Alcázar Ruano (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Polarization resolved photocurrent characterization of 2D rhenium disulphide photodetectors
75 Eman Alhajji (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
In-situ Laser Synthesis of SiOx Quantum Dots-Graphene Anodes for High Energy Density Li-ion Batteries
76 Mariam Almahri (Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates)
New Approach to achieve Transfer-Free TCVD Growth of graphene on Semiconductors at low temperatures
44 Hussain Alsalman (KACST, Saudi Arabia)
Frontiers of Bandgap Engineering in 2D Electronics
141 Shaked Amitay (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Graphite Polytypes up to 5 layers
107 Christopher Anderson (University of Manchester, UK)
Electrical Bandgap Tuning and Spin Transport in Fully Encapsulated Bilayer Graphene Devices: Steps Towards 2D Spin Logic
108 Khalid Nowaz Anindya (Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
Introducing robust magnetism in boron-doped graphene nanoribbons with non-benzenoid defects
27 Qianqian Ba (University of Szeged, Hungary)
Photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution on macroscopic SnSe–based electrodes
182 Nima Barri (University of Toronto, Canada)
Cyclic wear behaviour of 2D materials
161 Ekin Esme Bas (TU Dresden, Germany)
Accurate Prediction of Vibrational Spectra for 2D Materials from Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
45 Pablo Bastante Flores (UAM, Spain)
Functionalization of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide-based Phototransistors with Photoactive Molecules
142 Annika Bergmann (University of Rostock, Germany)
Mode-selective Raman Signal Enhancement in MoS2/WS2 Heterostructures
94 Ömür Besbinar (Ankara University, Turkey)
Photodynamic Cancer Therapy with Carbon Dot Loaded Exosomes
162 Gaelle Bigeard (IMEP-LaHC, France)
Theoretical studies of metal | transition metal dichalcogenides| metal vertical stacks: atomristors
163 Edward Black (Keele University, UK)
Hybrid Organic/TMD Heterostructures for Photovoltaic Applications
77 Giovanni Bruno (CNR-NANOTEC, Italy)
A novel multilayer graphene growth mechanism: Nickel-catalyzed CVD process assisted by H2 plasma
28 Hanna Bukovska (CIEMAT, Spain)
Graphene materials for energy storage: Synthesis of graphene oxide with different degrees of porosity
Late 3 Joseph John Burman (University of Liverpool, UK)
In Situ (S)TEM of Study of Thermally Induced Phase Transitions for Titanium MAX and MXene Phases
78 Ryan Busuttil (University of Malta, Malta)
Reduced Graphene Oxide Foams for Micro and Nano plastic Filtration
164 Laura Caputo (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
First-principles study of the structural and electronic properties of BN-ring doped graphene
143 Amy Carl (University of Manchester, UK)
Ultra-High Vacuum Heterostructure Fabrication for Environmentally Sensitive 2D Materials
46 Neha Chauhan (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Low-Noise, Ultrafast Bulk-Heterojunction Organic Photodetector
109 Hao Chen (NUS, Singapore)
Highly efficient spin injection and readout through van der Waals interface
1 Mingwei Chen (University of Manchester, UK)
Capillary condensation of water inside atomic-scale capillaries
5 Hyeonwoo Cho (Seoul National University, South Korea)
Incorporating Graphene-Quantum-Dots into Lithium-Sulfur Batteries for Enhanced Electrochemical Performance with Optimized Sulfur Nucleation
6 Andrew Connolly (University of Manchester, UK)
Graphene-reinforcement of CuW composites for high-voltage circuit breaker applications
165 Aron Cummings (Catalan Institute of Nansocience and Nanotechnology, Spain)
Design and Numerical Simulation of a Quantum Graphene Gyroscope
166 Mohammadreza Daqiqshirazi (TU Dresden, Germany)
Electronic effects in wrinkled 2D transition metal dichalcogenides
79 Minh-Tuan Dau (CRHEA-Université Côte d´Azur, France)
Molecular beam epitaxy growth of MoS2 monolayer on III-IV substrate
47 Ben Dewes (University of Nottingham, UK)
Wafer-scale two-dimensional semiconductors for deep UV photosensing
98 Leone Di Mauro Villari (Unviversity of Manchester, UK)
Nonlinear optics of Twisted bilayer graphene
7 Illia Dobryden (RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden)
Graphene-Bio-based Binders for next Generation Anodes in Li-ion Battery
110 Daniil Domaretskiy (The University of Manchester , UK)
Coherent transport in a network of chiral one-dimensional states in minimally twisted bilayer graphene
48 Su Yeon Doo (Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea)
Dynamic Power Reduction in Content Addressable Memory using Differential Match-line
49 Gulsum Ersu (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM - CSIC), Spain)
Printable Nanoelectronics: Low-Cost Prototyping with a Pen Plotter
50 Jorge Estrada-Álvarez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Geometrical effects on the viscous electron flow in graphene
51 Yujia Fan (University College London, UK)
High-k modified graphene/polymer nanocomposite for thin film capacitor applications
52 Zahra Fekri (HZDR, Germany)
Field-effect transistor gas sensor based on two-dimensional materials
29 Mengjie Feng (University of Manchester, UK)
Temperature effect on Eu electrochemical intercalation into bilayer graphene interlayer
80 Bernhard Fickl (TU Wien, Austria)
Scalable Chemical Vapour Deposition of Monolayer Graphene Films on Iron
144 Angela Flack (Edinburgh Instruments, UK)
Multimodal Microscopy Characterisation of 2D Materials
167 Boris Freinkman (KIAM RAS, Russia)
Graphene model as a lattice of hydrogen-like atoms with shielded ions in the strong bond approximation
111 Ryuji Fujita (University of Oxford, UK)
Magnetic Domains in Few-Layer Fe5GeTe2
112 Bálint Fülöp (BME Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
Van der Waals heterostructures under hydrostatic pressure
53 Natalie Galfe (Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen, Germany)
2D Carbon-Based Skin-Electrodes for Sensing of Biosignals
113 Jose Hugo Garcia Aguilar (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain)
Electrical control of spin polarization in WTe2
168 Daniel García Pina (CSIC - Centro de Física de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU , Spain)
Understanding Localized Spins in Boron-Doped Nanoribbons: Simulating Two Impurities Kondo Effect
114 Pierluigi Gargiani (ALBA synchrotron, Spain)
X-ray spectroscopy of 2D magnetic materials at the XMCD beamline of the ALBA synchrotron: recent advances and capabilities
104 Yiannis Georgantas (University of Mancehster, UK)
MXene Scrolls - A Vanadium Carbide (V2C) Papyrus-Like Structure for Energy Applications
145 Cristina Giusca (National Physical Laboratory, UK)
Highly Transparent Ohmic Interfaces in Tungsten Disulphide – Graphene Heterostructures
54 Malgorzata Giza (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
Performance Analysis of Field-Effect Transistors Based on Monolayer WS2 Fabricated with Gold-Assisted Exfoliation
55 Danielle Goodwin (Swansea University, UK)
Graphene Based Electronic Sensors for Gas and Volatile Organic Compound Detection
115 Anshu Gupta (Institute of Nano Science and Technology, India)
Unique Signatures of Rashba Effect in Angle-Resolved Magnetoresistance
30 Nelson Gutierrez Niño (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia)
Synthesis of Based-Graphene Polyurethane and Its Evaluation as Anticorrosive Coating
81 Stefan Heiserer (University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany)
Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of PtSe2
116 Franz Herling (ICN2, Spain)
Studying spin transport in epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide
117 Rebecca Hoffmann (ICFO, Spain)
Engineering high quality graphene superlattices via ion milled ultra-thin etching masks
146 Christopher Hoole (National Graphene Institute, UK)
Impact of twist angle and folds on the thermoelectric properties of graphene
82 Katie Hore (Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology, UK)
Damage Free Deposition of High-κ Dielectrics on Graphene using Plasma-enhanced ALD
8 Mohammad Israil Hossain (The University of Manchester, UK)
Synthesis of Core-shell Nanostructure Graphene Oxide-Vortex rings (GO-VRs) for Heavy Metal Purification
118 Dávid Hovancík (Charles University, Czech Republic)
Orbital magnetism in van der Waals halide VI3
9 Yuheng Huang (University of Manchester, UK)
Graphene nanoplatelets/epoxy nanocomposites as conductive adhesives for out-of-autoclave in-situ CFRPs repair
10 Daniela Ion-Ebrasu (National Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies ICSI-Rm. Valcea, Romania)
Platinum-functionalized CVD Growth Graphene Foam for Fuel Cells Applications
169 Martin Irizar (CSIC-Centro de Fisica de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU, Spain)
Magnetism in carbon nanoarchitectures: from 1D to 2D
31 Md Akibul Islam (University of Toronto, Canada)
Strain Induced Phase Transition of Atomically thin WSe2
99 Raúl Izquierdo (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
Surface-acoustic-wave-driven graphene plasmonic sensor for fingerprinting ultrathin biolayers
83 Julia Jagosz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
Low temperature PEALD of MoS2 on 200 mm glass and silicon dioxide coated silicon wafers
183 Mohit Kumar Jat (Indian institute of Science, Bangalore, India)
Higher-order Bragg gaps in the electronic band structure of bilayer graphene renormalized by recursive super moiré potential.
84 Kaicheng Jia (Beijing Graphene Institute, China)
Controlled growth of single-crystal graphene wafers on twin-boundary-free Cu(111) substrates
Late 2 Guangya Jiang (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
Model and application for graphene proton exchange membrane
32 Andy Jiao (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
Binding of flat PAHs and graphene with molecular tweezers
100 Juyoung Jung (Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea)
Feasibility study for eliminating blisters induced by extreme ultraviolet light (EUVL)
2 Xiaofang Kang (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
Selective proton channel in monolayer graphene tuned by diazonium salt
95 Angeliki Karakasidi (University of Manchester, UK)
Graphene oxide complexed with integrin antagonists for targeting plasma membrane receptors in glioblastoma cells
184 Simrandeep Kaur (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Electric field induced modification of Landau levels in Bernal stacked trilayer graphene.
119 Alexander Kazantsev (University of Manchester, UK)
Non-conservation of the valley density and its implications for the observation of the valley Hall effect
120 Máté Kedves (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
Investigation of graphene-based multiterminal Josephson junctions
147 Ralfy Kenaz (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Thickness Mapping and Layer Number Identification of Exfoliated van der Waals Materials by Fourier Imaging Micro-Ellipsometry
185 Zahra Khatibi (Trinity College Dublin , Ireland)
The emergence of interface states in graphene/transition metal dichalcogenides heterostructure with lateral interface
186 Vladislav Khaustov (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy)
Polymorphism in monolayer MoTe2-based vertical VdW heterostacks
33 Chunghun Kim (Gachon University, South Korea)
Enhanced Boron Doping in Arc-Discharge Synthesized Graphene for Improved Electrochemical Performance
85 Kwangseop Kim (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM), South Korea)
Roll-based damage-free transfer technique of 2D materials via adhesion control of transfer film
170 Youngjae Kim (KIAS, South Korea)
Non-equilibrium dynamics and topology in graphene 
148 Sebastian Klenk (University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany)
Contactless band gap measurement of 2D materials using LEIPS and UPS
101 Alexander Knight (University of Sheffield, UK)
Dynamics of Surface Plasmon Polaritons Explored Through s-SNOM Fourier Analysis of WS2 Nanophotonic Antennas
187 Willy Knorr (University Marburg, Germany)
Exciton transport in twisted 2D heterostructures: transition between hopping and dispersive regime
171 Miroslav Kolos (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
Route to control precision in accurate many-body methods in the predictions of electronic and optical properties of 2D materials.
149 Oleg Kolosov (Lancaster University, UK)
Direct measurements of anisotropic thermal transport in 2D materials and heterostructures
34 Apostolos Koutsioukis (Trinity College Dublin , Ireland)
Ultrasonication of Graphene/Copper composites for Additive Manufacturing
11 Andrey Kretinin (Manchester University, UK)
Linear Magnetoresistance in Random Network of Nanosheets
86 Abdul Kuddus (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
Few-Layer MoS2 on AlN and AlTiO/p+-Si for Energy Device Applications
121 Hemanta Kumar Kundu (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
Fractional Interference in a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
3 George Kyzas (International Hellenic University, Greece)
Graphene-based@metal oxides photocatalysts for (waste)water treatment: Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of pharmaceuticals photodegradation
12 Anna Lapinska (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
Thermal, Electrical, and Electromagnetic Shielding Properties of Terpolymer of Tetrafluoroethylene, Hexafluoropropylene and Vinylidene Fluoride (THV)/Graphene Nanoplatelets (GNP) Nanocomposites
188 Surat Layek (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research , India)
Probing Topological Chern Transition in TDBG through Berry Curvature Dipole Sign Change: A Comparative Study of ABBA and ABAB Stacked Systems
56 Lok Yi Lee (Paragraf Ltd, UK)
Improved graphene-based Hall effect sensors through control of defect levels in graphene
122 Jing Li (CEA, France)
Spin-Dependent Seebeck Effect in Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbon with Edge Magnetism
87 Lina Liu (Aarhus University, Denmark)
A Metastable Pentagonal 2D Material Synthesized by Symmetry-Driven Epitaxy
172 Ming-Hao Liu (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
Toward Spin-Orbit-Coupled Superlattices in Ballistic Graphene Devices
173 Tsai-Jung Liu (TU Dresden, Germany)
Gulf-edged zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNR-Gs): potential nanoelectronic materials with structure-imposed electronic topology
123 Harsimran Kaur Mann (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Tuning of Dirac point in hBN/SLG heterostructure
124 Albin Marffy (Budapest University of Technology, Hungary)
Modulating the Lifshitz Transitions in Tetralayer Graphene by hydrostatic pressure
150 Narek Margaryan (A Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory, Armenia)
The Influence of Proton Irradiation on The Physical Properties of LPE Graphene
102 Francesca Mazzei (Università della Calabria, Italy)
Dielectric response of atomically precise nanoribbons: band-gap effect vs low-dimensional confinement
57 Lucy McElhone (University of Manchester, UK)
Graphene and nanoparticle hybrid materials for energy storage applications
174 Andrew McEllistrim (University of Manchester , UK)
Spectroscopic signatures of few-layer graphenes
125 Joaquín Medina Dueñas (Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2), Spain)
Optimal spin-orbit torque in graphene-based devices
58 Melanie Meincke (Nanion Technologies/ LMU Munich, Germany)
Graphene-based biosensing using the SURFE2R technology
35 Enrique Mejía-Ospino (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia)
GO(EGO)@ZnO Nanocomposite as a Photocatalyst for the Degradation of Phenolic Pollutants
59 Vaidotas Mišeikis (Istituto italiano di tecnologia, Italy)
Stable high-sensitivity Hall sensors, based on scalable CVD graphene with polymeric encapsulation
88 Meriam Mohammedture (Technology Innovation Institute, United Arab Emirates)
Impact of probe sonication and sulfuric acid pretreatment on graphene exfoliation in water
126 Pablo Moles (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Impact of vacancies on twisted bilayer graphene quantum point contacts
175 Christian Moulsdale (University of Manchester, UK)
Umklapp electron-electron scattering in bilayer graphene moiré superlattice
36 Selene Munoz-Vargas (Durham University, UK)
Bulk production of few layer azidated graphene
Late 1 Upasana Nath (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India)
First principle investigation of pyridinic N-doped graphene as a Potential SO2 gas sensor
105 Natalia Noriega (University of Brighton, UK)
Transparent and flexible Ti3C2Tx MXene electrochemical sensors for H2O2
151 Tim Nowack (University Kassel, Germany)
The Potential of Diffuse Reflectance Far IR Spectroscopy for the Characterization of Liquid-exfoliated Nanomaterials
60 Krystian Nowakowski (ICFO, Spain)
Negative differential resistance induced bi-stability for single photon detection in moiré superlattices
127 James Nunn (University of Warwick, UK)
Temperature-dependent electronic structure measurements of CrSBr
13 Christian Nwosu (The University of Manchester, UK)
Graphene Nanoplatelets (GNPs) Enhanced Water-based Elastomer Nanocomposites – tailored production from Nanoscale to Macrostructures
176 Ilias-Panagiotis Oikonomou (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Investigating the effect of point defects on the electronic and spintronic properties of PtSe2
152 Hanako Okuno (CEA-Grenoble, France)
Multi-structural analysis of epitaxially grown TMDs using 4D-STEM
37 András Pálinkás (Centre for Energy Research, Hungary)
Crystalline order in the airborne contamination layer on van der Waals materials: universality, composition, structure and manipulation
38 Mukesh Pandey (Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India)
Hoop compression driven instabilities in spontaneously formed multilayer Graphene blisters over a polymeric substrate
14 Muhammad Sajeer Parambath (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)
Fabrication and characterization of a suspended gold micro heater on a high aspect ratio ultra-thin silicon nitride membrane
103 Aparna Parappurath (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)
Band structure sensitive photoresponse in twisted bilayer graphene proxtimitized with WSe2
153 Keith Paton (National Physical Laboratory, UK)
Improving the accuracy and reproducibility of Raman spectroscopy for graphitic particles
189 Suvodeep Paul (Indian institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal, India)
Interfacial control of magnetic interactions in 2D magnets
190 Ana Beatriz Pedro Fontes (Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences - UCLouvain, Belgium)
Ab-initio studies of Mn-rich MnBi2Te4
15 Pai Peng (University of Manchester, UK)
Graphene based materials for EMI shielding – A review
16 Marcos Fernando Perez-Pucheta (Durham University, UK)
Interfacial localization of reactive reduced graphene oxide in immiscible polystyrene/polylactic acid blends
128 Armando Pezo (CINaM - UMR 7325 - CNRS - Aix Marseille Université, France)
Adiabatic Orbital Pumping in 2d materials
129 Jiri Pospisil (Charles University, Czech Republic)
Robust intralayer antiferromagnetism and tricriticality in VBr3
70 Shiva Prasad Poudel (University of Arkansas, USA)
Slippery paraelectric transition-metal dichalcogenide bilayers
17 Avinash Powar (The University of Manchester, UK)
Graphene enhanced PVA polymer composite films
154 Lukas Prucha (Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, Czech Republic)
Thermal decomposition of graphene on different substrates
61 Thomas Pucher (Materials Science Institute Madrid (ICMM-CSIC), Spain)
Biodegradable albumen dielectrics for high-mobility MoS2 phototransistors
71 Sergio Puebla (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), Spain)
Combining Freestanding Ferroelectric Perovskite Oxides with Two-Dimensional Semiconductors for High Performance Transistors
62 Varun Varma Pusapati (ICFO, Spain)
Polariton-assisted electrical detection of gases in Van der Waals heterostructures
89 Rongrong Qi (University of Manchester, UK)
Universal method for preparing two-dimensional metal dihalides
39 Debora Rabelo Matos (Geological Survey of Brazil, Brazil)
From Graphite to Graphene – understanding graphite in order to generate great graphene
63 Sabiar Rahaman (University of Manchester, UK)
Scalable Novel Lanthanide-ligand Complex for Robust Flexible Micro-supercapacitors
177 Md Ashraful Islam Raju (IHP- Leibniz Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik, Germany)
Simulation study of high efficient graphene electro-absorption modulator based on silicon-nitride waveguide
64 Ankita Ram (CNRS ,IPCMS, University of Strasbourg, France)
Split-gate Ferroelectric Field-effect Transistor based on WSe2/CuInP2S6 Heterostructures for memory and photovoltaic applications
130 Deepti Rana (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, India)
Spin polarization and Kondo hybridization in the 2-D vdW ferromagnets FenGeTe2
65 Hamid Reza Rasouli (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany)
Critical point drying of graphene field-effect transistors improves their electric transport characteristics
18 Mohammadali Razeghi (UCLouvain, Belgium)
Substrate Engineered thermoelectric junction of single 2D material
19 Ji Soo Roh (University of Manchester, UK)
Partially Reduced Graphene Oxide Membrane with High Ion Selectivity and Proton Flux for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery
155 Antonio Rossi (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)
Control of Dielectric Properties in Single-Layer WS2 via Defect Density Engineering
40 Priyabrata Sahoo (Centre for Nano and soft Matter Sciences, India)
Understanding the role of molecular structure of the solvents in liquid phase exfoliation of two-dimensional materials
41 Ramesh Chandra Sahoo (Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences, India)
Enhanced charge storage capacity and high rate capabilities of Ni2Colayered double hydroxides/expanded graphite composites as an anode for Li-ion batteries
72 Simon Salleh Atri (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Spontaneous Electric Polarization in Graphene Polytypes
66 Riccardo Sargeni (Università di Pisa, Italy)
High-precision material printer for fast-prototyping of 2DM-based electronic devices
67 Kalyan Jyoti Sarkar (University of Chemistry and Technology Prague , Czech Republic)
Layered metal thio (seleno) phosphates for broad-band optoelectronics
156 Peter Schon (Bruker, France)
Surface sensitive photothermal AFM-IR – Probing nanoscale chemistry at the surfaces
20 Espen Werdal Selfors (University of Bergen, Norway)
Anti-icing properties of graphene on 15 nm ruthenium films grown by Thermal Laser Epitaxy
21 Rishabh Sharma (The University of Manchester, UK)
Unleashing Molecular Intelligence: pH-Regulated MoS2 Membranes for Autonomous Wound Infection Monitoring
90 Mustaqeem Shiffa (University of Nottingham, UK)
Wafer-scale epitaxy of Centrosymmetric GaSe
157 Pierce Sinnott (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Graphene ribbon self-assembly in the presence of self-assembled stripe absorbates
131 Sergey Slizovskiy (National Graphene Institute, The University of Manchester, UK)
Kagomé quantum oscillations in graphene superlattices
191 Radhika Soni (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Planar tunneling in twisted moiré heterostructures
158 Kevin Strobel (University of Tuebingen, Inst of Appl. Phys., Germany)
Imaging of C60 and other structures in graphene sandwiches by automated low-dose transmission electron microscopy
91 Alex Summerfield (The National Graphene Institute, UK)
A Facility for Ultra-Clean Assembly of Van der Waals Heterostructures in Ultra-High Vacuum Conditions
132 Yan Sun (Universite Paris-Saclay, France)
Carries-exciton coupling at 2D Perovskite/graphene interface
133 Josef Svetlik (ICN2, Spain)
Signatures of Proximity Induced Magnetism and Spin-orbit Coupling in Graphene/VxW1-xSe2 Heterostructure
96 Océane Terral (Institut Néel - CNRS, France)
Graphene based correlative microscopy for multiphysics sensing within neuron networks
178 Viet Anh Tran (Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences - UCLouvain, Belgium)
Quantum Hall edge states in twisted bilayer graphene nanoribbons
92 Pierre Trousset (CEA, France)
Transfer on large diameter cavity substrate: Characterization of 2D materials membranes
159 Nathan Ullberg (Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, CNRS, NIMBE, LICSEN, France)
Imaging charge modulation in operating 2D MoS2 devices by excitonic reflection microscopy
134 Daniel Vaquero (University of Salamanca, Spain)
Phonon-mediated room-temperature quantum Hall transport in graphene
22 Andres Velasco Santiago (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain)
Laser-Induced Graphene Microsupercapacitors: Exploring its Structure, Quality, and Performance
23 Savithri Vishwanathan (Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences, India)
Strategies To Enhance The Fast-charging Performance Of Conversion Anodes For Lithium-ion Batteries
25 Lukas Voelkel (Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Resistive Switching and Current Conduction Mechanisms in Hexagonal Boron Nitride Threshold Memristors with Nickel Electrodes
73 Jirí Volný (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)
Ferroelectric domain writing in misfit layer compound (PbS)1.18VS2 using electron-beam lithography
179 Van Binh Vu (CEA SACLAY, France)
Theoretical studies of novel graphene based nanostructures
4 Rui Wang (The University of Manchester, UK)
Dielectric Properties of Liquids Confined in Two-Dimensional Nanopores
93 Zhaodong Wang (PGI-7, Germany)
Influence of (MO)CVD Process Parameters on the Quality of Single Layer Graphene and Hexagonal Boron Nitride grown on C-plane Sapphire
135 Hao Wei (Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, France)
Spintronics with Black phosphorus
180 Zixuan Wei (The University of Manchester, UK)
Wettability of graphite under 2D confinement
136 Zefei Wu (University of Manchester, UK)
The nonlinear Hall effect in two-dimensional superlattices
97 Robert Wykes (University of Manchester, UK)
Application of Graphene micro-transistor arrays to investigate the impact of ‘brain tsunamis’ to paroxysmal neurological disorders.
137 Shihong Xie (University of Nottingham, UK)
Large room-temperature magnetoresistance in all-van der Waals magnetic tunnel junctions
68 Na Xin (University of Manchester, UK)
Giant magnetoresistance of Dirac plasma in high-mobility graphene
138 Yuval Yaish (Technion, Israel)
Deformation and Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes on Flat Surfaces with Different van der Waals Interactions
192 Boxuan Yang (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Detection of coexisting electron and hole Landau levels in magnetic graphene via charge transport
139 Elisa Shuoying Yang (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain)
Hot carrier-mediated thermoelectric transport in graphene devices
69 Xiaoxiao Yu (The University of Manchester, UK)
Investigation of Reversible Ionic Liquids Intercalation for Electrically Controlled Thermal Radiation from Graphene Devices
24 Xiaomeng Zhang (University of Manchester, UK)
Development and Characterization of graphene modified Cellulose derived carbon aerogels with superior thermal insulation
193 Yuntian Zheng (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Identification and controlled alignment of ABC-trilayer graphene moiré superlattices for strongly correlated states
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