POSTERS (196) - Alphabetical order |
Poster nº |
Author & Title |
Abstract |
42 |
Matteo Abruzzese (BeDimensional, Italy) |
Carbon-Coated Silicon Nanoparticles in a Few-Layer Graphene-based Conductive Network: a High-Capacity Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries
74 |
Lewis Adams (Keele University , UK) |
Growth of 2D Iron selenide via salt-assisted chemical vapour deposition (CVD)
106 |
Pooja Agarwal (Saha Institute Of Nuclear Physics, India) |
Impact of local density inhomogeneity on non-local resistance in 2DEG
43 |
Nawal Al Amairi (University of Manchester, UK) |
Ultra-Fast High-Responsivity Graphene-Silicon Schottky Avalanche Photodiode
26 |
Rahma Al Busaidi (University of Manchester, UK) |
Graphene oxide membranes for processing pharmaceutical aqueous waste streams
181 |
Mohammed Al Ezzi (National University of Singapore , Singapore) |
Topological Flat Bands in Super-moiré Lattices
160 |
Pedro Alcázar Guerrero (ICN2, Spain) |
Tight binding simulations of twisted graphene multilayers
140 |
Pedro Luis Alcázar Ruano (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) |
Polarization resolved photocurrent characterization of 2D rhenium disulphide photodetectors
75 |
Eman Alhajji (KAUST, Saudi Arabia) |
In-situ Laser Synthesis of SiOx Quantum Dots-Graphene Anodes for High Energy Density Li-ion Batteries
76 |
Mariam Almahri (Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates) |
New Approach to achieve Transfer-Free TCVD Growth of graphene on Semiconductors at low temperatures
44 |
Hussain Alsalman (KACST, Saudi Arabia) |
Frontiers of Bandgap Engineering in 2D Electronics
141 |
Shaked Amitay (Tel Aviv University, Israel) |
Graphite Polytypes up to 5 layers
107 |
Christopher Anderson (University of Manchester, UK) |
Electrical Bandgap Tuning and Spin Transport in Fully Encapsulated Bilayer Graphene Devices: Steps Towards 2D Spin Logic
108 |
Khalid Nowaz Anindya (Polytechnique Montréal, Canada) |
Introducing robust magnetism in boron-doped graphene nanoribbons with non-benzenoid defects
27 |
Qianqian Ba (University of Szeged, Hungary) |
Photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution on macroscopic SnSe–based electrodes
182 |
Nima Barri (University of Toronto, Canada) |
Cyclic wear behaviour of 2D materials
161 |
Ekin Esme Bas (TU Dresden, Germany) |
Accurate Prediction of Vibrational Spectra for 2D Materials from Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
45 |
Pablo Bastante Flores (UAM, Spain) |
Functionalization of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide-based Phototransistors with Photoactive Molecules
142 |
Annika Bergmann (University of Rostock, Germany) |
Mode-selective Raman Signal Enhancement in MoS2/WS2 Heterostructures
94 |
Ömür Besbinar (Ankara University, Turkey) |
Photodynamic Cancer Therapy with Carbon Dot Loaded Exosomes
162 |
Gaelle Bigeard (IMEP-LaHC, France) |
Theoretical studies of metal | transition metal dichalcogenides| metal vertical stacks: atomristors
163 |
Edward Black (Keele University, UK) |
Hybrid Organic/TMD Heterostructures for Photovoltaic Applications
77 |
Giovanni Bruno (CNR-NANOTEC, Italy) |
A novel multilayer graphene growth mechanism: Nickel-catalyzed CVD process assisted by H2 plasma
28 |
Hanna Bukovska (CIEMAT, Spain) |
Graphene materials for energy storage: Synthesis of graphene oxide with different degrees of porosity
Late 3 |
Joseph John Burman (University of Liverpool, UK) |
In Situ (S)TEM of Study of Thermally Induced Phase Transitions for Titanium MAX and MXene Phases
78 |
Ryan Busuttil (University of Malta, Malta) |
Reduced Graphene Oxide Foams for Micro and Nano plastic Filtration
164 |
Laura Caputo (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium) |
First-principles study of the structural and electronic properties of BN-ring doped graphene
143 |
Amy Carl (University of Manchester, UK) |
Ultra-High Vacuum Heterostructure Fabrication for Environmentally Sensitive 2D Materials
46 |
Neha Chauhan (Indian Institute of Science, India) |
Low-Noise, Ultrafast Bulk-Heterojunction Organic Photodetector
109 |
Hao Chen (NUS, Singapore) |
Highly efficient spin injection and readout through van der Waals interface
1 |
Mingwei Chen (University of Manchester, UK) |
Capillary condensation of water inside atomic-scale capillaries
5 |
Hyeonwoo Cho (Seoul National University, South Korea) |
Incorporating Graphene-Quantum-Dots into Lithium-Sulfur Batteries for Enhanced Electrochemical Performance with Optimized Sulfur Nucleation
6 |
Andrew Connolly (University of Manchester, UK) |
Graphene-reinforcement of CuW composites for high-voltage circuit breaker applications
165 |
Aron Cummings (Catalan Institute of Nansocience and Nanotechnology, Spain) |
Design and Numerical Simulation of a Quantum Graphene Gyroscope
166 |
Mohammadreza Daqiqshirazi (TU Dresden, Germany) |
Electronic effects in wrinkled 2D transition metal dichalcogenides
79 |
Minh-Tuan Dau (CRHEA-Université Côte d´Azur, France) |
Molecular beam epitaxy growth of MoS2 monolayer on III-IV substrate
47 |
Ben Dewes (University of Nottingham, UK) |
Wafer-scale two-dimensional semiconductors for deep UV photosensing
98 |
Leone Di Mauro Villari (Unviversity of Manchester, UK) |
Nonlinear optics of Twisted bilayer graphene
7 |
Illia Dobryden (RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden) |
Graphene-Bio-based Binders for next Generation Anodes in Li-ion Battery
110 |
Daniil Domaretskiy (The University of Manchester , UK) |
Coherent transport in a network of chiral one-dimensional states in minimally twisted bilayer graphene
48 |
Su Yeon Doo (Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea) |
Dynamic Power Reduction in Content Addressable Memory using Differential Match-line
49 |
Gulsum Ersu (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM - CSIC), Spain) |
Printable Nanoelectronics: Low-Cost Prototyping with a Pen Plotter
50 |
Jorge Estrada-Álvarez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) |
Geometrical effects on the viscous electron flow in graphene
51 |
Yujia Fan (University College London, UK) |
High-k modified graphene/polymer nanocomposite for thin film capacitor applications
52 |
Zahra Fekri (HZDR, Germany) |
Field-effect transistor gas sensor based on two-dimensional materials
29 |
Mengjie Feng (University of Manchester, UK) |
Temperature effect on Eu electrochemical intercalation into bilayer graphene interlayer
80 |
Bernhard Fickl (TU Wien, Austria) |
Scalable Chemical Vapour Deposition of Monolayer Graphene Films on Iron
144 |
Angela Flack (Edinburgh Instruments, UK) |
Multimodal Microscopy Characterisation of 2D Materials
167 |
Boris Freinkman (KIAM RAS, Russia) |
Graphene model as a lattice of hydrogen-like atoms with shielded ions in the strong bond approximation
111 |
Ryuji Fujita (University of Oxford, UK) |
Magnetic Domains in Few-Layer Fe5GeTe2
112 |
Bálint Fülöp (BME Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary) |
Van der Waals heterostructures under hydrostatic pressure
53 |
Natalie Galfe (Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen, Germany) |
2D Carbon-Based Skin-Electrodes for Sensing of Biosignals
113 |
Jose Hugo Garcia Aguilar (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain) |
Electrical control of spin polarization in WTe2
168 |
Daniel García Pina (CSIC - Centro de Física de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU , Spain) |
Understanding Localized Spins in Boron-Doped Nanoribbons: Simulating Two Impurities Kondo Effect
114 |
Pierluigi Gargiani (ALBA synchrotron, Spain) |
X-ray spectroscopy of 2D magnetic materials at the XMCD beamline of the ALBA synchrotron: recent advances and capabilities
104 |
Yiannis Georgantas (University of Mancehster, UK) |
MXene Scrolls - A Vanadium Carbide (V2C) Papyrus-Like Structure for Energy Applications
145 |
Cristina Giusca (National Physical Laboratory, UK) |
Highly Transparent Ohmic Interfaces in Tungsten Disulphide – Graphene Heterostructures
54 |
Malgorzata Giza (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) |
Performance Analysis of Field-Effect Transistors Based on Monolayer WS2 Fabricated with Gold-Assisted Exfoliation
55 |
Danielle Goodwin (Swansea University, UK) |
Graphene Based Electronic Sensors for Gas and Volatile Organic Compound Detection
115 |
Anshu Gupta (Institute of Nano Science and Technology, India) |
Unique Signatures of Rashba Effect in Angle-Resolved Magnetoresistance
30 |
Nelson Gutierrez Niño (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia) |
Synthesis of Based-Graphene Polyurethane and Its Evaluation as Anticorrosive Coating
81 |
Stefan Heiserer (University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany) |
Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of PtSe2
116 |
Franz Herling (ICN2, Spain) |
Studying spin transport in epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide
117 |
Rebecca Hoffmann (ICFO, Spain) |
Engineering high quality graphene superlattices via ion milled ultra-thin etching masks
146 |
Christopher Hoole (National Graphene Institute, UK) |
Impact of twist angle and folds on the thermoelectric properties of graphene
82 |
Katie Hore (Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology, UK) |
Damage Free Deposition of High-κ Dielectrics on Graphene using Plasma-enhanced ALD
8 |
Mohammad Israil Hossain (The University of Manchester, UK) |
Synthesis of Core-shell Nanostructure Graphene Oxide-Vortex rings (GO-VRs) for Heavy Metal Purification
118 |
Dávid Hovancík (Charles University, Czech Republic) |
Orbital magnetism in van der Waals halide VI3
9 |
Yuheng Huang (University of Manchester, UK) |
Graphene nanoplatelets/epoxy nanocomposites as conductive adhesives for out-of-autoclave in-situ CFRPs repair
10 |
Daniela Ion-Ebrasu (National Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies ICSI-Rm. Valcea, Romania) |
Platinum-functionalized CVD Growth Graphene Foam for Fuel Cells Applications
169 |
Martin Irizar (CSIC-Centro de Fisica de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU, Spain) |
Magnetism in carbon nanoarchitectures: from 1D to 2D
31 |
Md Akibul Islam (University of Toronto, Canada) |
Strain Induced Phase Transition of Atomically thin WSe2
99 |
Raúl Izquierdo (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain) |
Surface-acoustic-wave-driven graphene plasmonic sensor for fingerprinting ultrathin biolayers
83 |
Julia Jagosz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) |
Low temperature PEALD of MoS2 on 200 mm glass and silicon dioxide coated silicon wafers
183 |
Mohit Kumar Jat (Indian institute of Science, Bangalore, India) |
Higher-order Bragg gaps in the electronic band structure of bilayer graphene renormalized by recursive super moiré potential.
84 |
Kaicheng Jia (Beijing Graphene Institute, China) |
Controlled growth of single-crystal graphene wafers on twin-boundary-free Cu(111) substrates
Late 2 |
Guangya Jiang (Leiden University, The Netherlands) |
Model and application for graphene proton exchange membrane
32 |
Andy Jiao (Leiden University, The Netherlands) |
Binding of flat PAHs and graphene with molecular tweezers
100 |
Juyoung Jung (Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea) |
Feasibility study for eliminating blisters induced by extreme ultraviolet light (EUVL)
2 |
Xiaofang Kang (Leiden University, The Netherlands) |
Selective proton channel in monolayer graphene tuned by diazonium salt
95 |
Angeliki Karakasidi (University of Manchester, UK) |
Graphene oxide complexed with integrin antagonists for targeting plasma membrane receptors in glioblastoma cells
184 |
Simrandeep Kaur (Indian Institute of Science, India) |
Electric field induced modification of Landau levels in Bernal stacked trilayer graphene.
119 |
Alexander Kazantsev (University of Manchester, UK) |
Non-conservation of the valley density and its implications for the observation of the valley Hall effect
120 |
Máté Kedves (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary) |
Investigation of graphene-based multiterminal Josephson junctions
147 |
Ralfy Kenaz (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) |
Thickness Mapping and Layer Number Identification of Exfoliated van der Waals Materials by Fourier Imaging Micro-Ellipsometry
185 |
Zahra Khatibi (Trinity College Dublin , Ireland) |
The emergence of interface states in graphene/transition metal dichalcogenides heterostructure with lateral interface
186 |
Vladislav Khaustov (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy) |
Polymorphism in monolayer MoTe2-based vertical VdW heterostacks
33 |
Chunghun Kim (Gachon University, South Korea) |
Enhanced Boron Doping in Arc-Discharge Synthesized Graphene for Improved Electrochemical Performance
85 |
Kwangseop Kim (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM), South Korea) |
Roll-based damage-free transfer technique of 2D materials via adhesion control of transfer film
170 |
Youngjae Kim (KIAS, South Korea) |
Non-equilibrium dynamics and topology in graphene
148 |
Sebastian Klenk (University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany) |
Contactless band gap measurement of 2D materials using LEIPS and UPS
101 |
Alexander Knight (University of Sheffield, UK) |
Dynamics of Surface Plasmon Polaritons Explored Through s-SNOM Fourier Analysis of WS2 Nanophotonic Antennas
187 |
Willy Knorr (University Marburg, Germany) |
Exciton transport in twisted 2D heterostructures: transition between hopping and dispersive regime
171 |
Miroslav Kolos (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic) |
Route to control precision in accurate many-body methods in the predictions of electronic and optical properties of 2D materials.
149 |
Oleg Kolosov (Lancaster University, UK) |
Direct measurements of anisotropic thermal transport in 2D materials and heterostructures
34 |
Apostolos Koutsioukis (Trinity College Dublin , Ireland) |
Ultrasonication of Graphene/Copper composites for Additive Manufacturing
11 |
Andrey Kretinin (Manchester University, UK) |
Linear Magnetoresistance in Random Network of Nanosheets
86 |
Abdul Kuddus (Ritsumeikan University, Japan) |
Few-Layer MoS2 on AlN and AlTiO/p+-Si for Energy Device Applications
121 |
Hemanta Kumar Kundu (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) |
Fractional Interference in a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
3 |
George Kyzas (International Hellenic University, Greece) |
Graphene-based@metal oxides photocatalysts for (waste)water treatment: Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of pharmaceuticals photodegradation
12 |
Anna Lapinska (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) |
Thermal, Electrical, and Electromagnetic Shielding Properties of Terpolymer of Tetrafluoroethylene, Hexafluoropropylene and Vinylidene Fluoride (THV)/Graphene Nanoplatelets (GNP) Nanocomposites
188 |
Surat Layek (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research , India) |
Probing Topological Chern Transition in TDBG through Berry Curvature Dipole Sign Change: A Comparative Study of ABBA and ABAB Stacked Systems
56 |
Lok Yi Lee (Paragraf Ltd, UK) |
Improved graphene-based Hall effect sensors through control of defect levels in graphene
122 |
Jing Li (CEA, France) |
Spin-Dependent Seebeck Effect in Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbon with Edge Magnetism
87 |
Lina Liu (Aarhus University, Denmark) |
A Metastable Pentagonal 2D Material Synthesized by Symmetry-Driven Epitaxy
172 |
Ming-Hao Liu (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) |
Toward Spin-Orbit-Coupled Superlattices in Ballistic Graphene Devices
173 |
Tsai-Jung Liu (TU Dresden, Germany) |
Gulf-edged zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNR-Gs): potential nanoelectronic materials with structure-imposed electronic topology
123 |
Harsimran Kaur Mann (Indian Institute of Science, India) |
Tuning of Dirac point in hBN/SLG heterostructure
124 |
Albin Marffy (Budapest University of Technology, Hungary) |
Modulating the Lifshitz Transitions in Tetralayer Graphene by hydrostatic pressure
150 |
Narek Margaryan (A Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory, Armenia) |
The Influence of Proton Irradiation on The Physical Properties of LPE Graphene
102 |
Francesca Mazzei (Università della Calabria, Italy) |
Dielectric response of atomically precise nanoribbons: band-gap effect vs low-dimensional confinement
57 |
Lucy McElhone (University of Manchester, UK) |
Graphene and nanoparticle hybrid materials for energy storage applications
174 |
Andrew McEllistrim (University of Manchester , UK) |
Spectroscopic signatures of few-layer graphenes
125 |
Joaquín Medina Dueñas (Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2), Spain) |
Optimal spin-orbit torque in graphene-based devices
58 |
Melanie Meincke (Nanion Technologies/ LMU Munich, Germany) |
Graphene-based biosensing using the SURFE2R technology
35 |
Enrique Mejía-Ospino (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia) |
GO(EGO)@ZnO Nanocomposite as a Photocatalyst for the Degradation of Phenolic Pollutants
59 |
Vaidotas Mišeikis (Istituto italiano di tecnologia, Italy) |
Stable high-sensitivity Hall sensors, based on scalable CVD graphene with polymeric encapsulation
88 |
Meriam Mohammedture (Technology Innovation Institute, United Arab Emirates) |
Impact of probe sonication and sulfuric acid pretreatment on graphene exfoliation in water
126 |
Pablo Moles (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) |
Impact of vacancies on twisted bilayer graphene quantum point contacts
175 |
Christian Moulsdale (University of Manchester, UK) |
Umklapp electron-electron scattering in bilayer graphene moiré superlattice
36 |
Selene Munoz-Vargas (Durham University, UK) |
Bulk production of few layer azidated graphene
Late 1 |
Upasana Nath (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India) |
First principle investigation of pyridinic N-doped graphene as a Potential SO2 gas sensor
105 |
Natalia Noriega (University of Brighton, UK) |
Transparent and flexible Ti3C2Tx MXene electrochemical sensors for H2O2
151 |
Tim Nowack (University Kassel, Germany) |
The Potential of Diffuse Reflectance Far IR Spectroscopy for the Characterization of Liquid-exfoliated Nanomaterials
60 |
Krystian Nowakowski (ICFO, Spain) |
Negative differential resistance induced bi-stability for single photon detection in moiré superlattices
127 |
James Nunn (University of Warwick, UK) |
Temperature-dependent electronic structure measurements of CrSBr
13 |
Christian Nwosu (The University of Manchester, UK) |
Graphene Nanoplatelets (GNPs) Enhanced Water-based Elastomer Nanocomposites – tailored production from Nanoscale to Macrostructures
176 |
Ilias-Panagiotis Oikonomou (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) |
Investigating the effect of point defects on the electronic and spintronic properties of PtSe2
152 |
Hanako Okuno (CEA-Grenoble, France) |
Multi-structural analysis of epitaxially grown TMDs using 4D-STEM
37 |
András Pálinkás (Centre for Energy Research, Hungary) |
Crystalline order in the airborne contamination layer on van der Waals materials: universality, composition, structure and manipulation
38 |
Mukesh Pandey (Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India) |
Hoop compression driven instabilities in spontaneously formed multilayer Graphene blisters over a polymeric substrate
14 |
Muhammad Sajeer Parambath (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India) |
Fabrication and characterization of a suspended gold micro heater on a high aspect ratio ultra-thin silicon nitride membrane
103 |
Aparna Parappurath (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India) |
Band structure sensitive photoresponse in twisted bilayer graphene proxtimitized with WSe2
153 |
Keith Paton (National Physical Laboratory, UK) |
Improving the accuracy and reproducibility of Raman spectroscopy for graphitic particles
189 |
Suvodeep Paul (Indian institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal, India) |
Interfacial control of magnetic interactions in 2D magnets
190 |
Ana Beatriz Pedro Fontes (Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences - UCLouvain, Belgium) |
Ab-initio studies of Mn-rich MnBi2Te4
15 |
Pai Peng (University of Manchester, UK) |
Graphene based materials for EMI shielding – A review
16 |
Marcos Fernando Perez-Pucheta (Durham University, UK) |
Interfacial localization of reactive reduced graphene oxide in immiscible polystyrene/polylactic acid blends
128 |
Armando Pezo (CINaM - UMR 7325 - CNRS - Aix Marseille Université, France) |
Adiabatic Orbital Pumping in 2d materials
129 |
Jiri Pospisil (Charles University, Czech Republic) |
Robust intralayer antiferromagnetism and tricriticality in VBr3
70 |
Shiva Prasad Poudel (University of Arkansas, USA) |
Slippery paraelectric transition-metal dichalcogenide bilayers
17 |
Avinash Powar (The University of Manchester, UK) |
Graphene enhanced PVA polymer composite films
154 |
Lukas Prucha (Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, Czech Republic) |
Thermal decomposition of graphene on different substrates
61 |
Thomas Pucher (Materials Science Institute Madrid (ICMM-CSIC), Spain) |
Biodegradable albumen dielectrics for high-mobility MoS2 phototransistors
71 |
Sergio Puebla (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), Spain) |
Combining Freestanding Ferroelectric Perovskite Oxides with Two-Dimensional Semiconductors for High Performance Transistors
62 |
Varun Varma Pusapati (ICFO, Spain) |
Polariton-assisted electrical detection of gases in Van der Waals heterostructures
89 |
Rongrong Qi (University of Manchester, UK) |
Universal method for preparing two-dimensional metal dihalides
39 |
Debora Rabelo Matos (Geological Survey of Brazil, Brazil) |
From Graphite to Graphene – understanding graphite in order to generate great graphene
63 |
Sabiar Rahaman (University of Manchester, UK) |
Scalable Novel Lanthanide-ligand Complex for Robust Flexible Micro-supercapacitors
177 |
Md Ashraful Islam Raju (IHP- Leibniz Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik, Germany) |
Simulation study of high efficient graphene electro-absorption modulator based on silicon-nitride waveguide
64 |
Ankita Ram (CNRS ,IPCMS, University of Strasbourg, France) |
Split-gate Ferroelectric Field-effect Transistor based on WSe2/CuInP2S6 Heterostructures for memory and photovoltaic applications
130 |
Deepti Rana (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, India) |
Spin polarization and Kondo hybridization in the 2-D vdW ferromagnets FenGeTe2
65 |
Hamid Reza Rasouli (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany) |
Critical point drying of graphene field-effect transistors improves their electric transport characteristics
18 |
Mohammadali Razeghi (UCLouvain, Belgium) |
Substrate Engineered thermoelectric junction of single 2D material
19 |
Ji Soo Roh (University of Manchester, UK) |
Partially Reduced Graphene Oxide Membrane with High Ion Selectivity and Proton Flux for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery
155 |
Antonio Rossi (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy) |
Control of Dielectric Properties in Single-Layer WS2 via Defect Density Engineering
40 |
Priyabrata Sahoo (Centre for Nano and soft Matter Sciences, India) |
Understanding the role of molecular structure of the solvents in liquid phase exfoliation of two-dimensional materials
41 |
Ramesh Chandra Sahoo (Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences, India) |
Enhanced charge storage capacity and high rate capabilities of Ni2Colayered double hydroxides/expanded graphite composites as an anode for Li-ion batteries
72 |
Simon Salleh Atri (Tel Aviv University, Israel) |
Spontaneous Electric Polarization in Graphene Polytypes
66 |
Riccardo Sargeni (Università di Pisa, Italy) |
High-precision material printer for fast-prototyping of 2DM-based electronic devices
67 |
Kalyan Jyoti Sarkar (University of Chemistry and Technology Prague , Czech Republic) |
Layered metal thio (seleno) phosphates for broad-band optoelectronics
156 |
Peter Schon (Bruker, France) |
Surface sensitive photothermal AFM-IR – Probing nanoscale chemistry at the surfaces
20 |
Espen Werdal Selfors (University of Bergen, Norway) |
Anti-icing properties of graphene on 15 nm ruthenium films grown by Thermal Laser Epitaxy
21 |
Rishabh Sharma (The University of Manchester, UK) |
Unleashing Molecular Intelligence: pH-Regulated MoS2 Membranes for Autonomous Wound Infection Monitoring
90 |
Mustaqeem Shiffa (University of Nottingham, UK) |
Wafer-scale epitaxy of Centrosymmetric GaSe
157 |
Pierce Sinnott (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) |
Graphene ribbon self-assembly in the presence of self-assembled stripe absorbates
131 |
Sergey Slizovskiy (National Graphene Institute, The University of Manchester, UK) |
Kagomé quantum oscillations in graphene superlattices
191 |
Radhika Soni (Indian Institute of Science, India) |
Planar tunneling in twisted moiré heterostructures
158 |
Kevin Strobel (University of Tuebingen, Inst of Appl. Phys., Germany) |
Imaging of C60 and other structures in graphene sandwiches by automated low-dose transmission electron microscopy
91 |
Alex Summerfield (The National Graphene Institute, UK) |
A Facility for Ultra-Clean Assembly of Van der Waals Heterostructures in Ultra-High Vacuum Conditions
132 |
Yan Sun (Universite Paris-Saclay, France) |
Carries-exciton coupling at 2D Perovskite/graphene interface
133 |
Josef Svetlik (ICN2, Spain) |
Signatures of Proximity Induced Magnetism and Spin-orbit Coupling in Graphene/VxW1-xSe2 Heterostructure
96 |
Océane Terral (Institut Néel - CNRS, France) |
Graphene based correlative microscopy for multiphysics sensing within neuron networks
178 |
Viet Anh Tran (Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences - UCLouvain, Belgium) |
Quantum Hall edge states in twisted bilayer graphene nanoribbons
92 |
Pierre Trousset (CEA, France) |
Transfer on large diameter cavity substrate: Characterization of 2D materials membranes
159 |
Nathan Ullberg (Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, CNRS, NIMBE, LICSEN, France) |
Imaging charge modulation in operating 2D MoS2 devices by excitonic reflection microscopy
134 |
Daniel Vaquero (University of Salamanca, Spain) |
Phonon-mediated room-temperature quantum Hall transport in graphene
22 |
Andres Velasco Santiago (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain) |
Laser-Induced Graphene Microsupercapacitors: Exploring its Structure, Quality, and Performance
23 |
Savithri Vishwanathan (Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences, India) |
Strategies To Enhance The Fast-charging Performance Of Conversion Anodes For Lithium-ion Batteries
25 |
Lukas Voelkel (Chair of Electronic Devices, RWTH Aachen University, Germany) |
Resistive Switching and Current Conduction Mechanisms in Hexagonal Boron Nitride Threshold Memristors with Nickel Electrodes
73 |
Jirí Volný (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic) |
Ferroelectric domain writing in misfit layer compound (PbS)1.18VS2 using electron-beam lithography
179 |
Van Binh Vu (CEA SACLAY, France) |
Theoretical studies of novel graphene based nanostructures
4 |
Rui Wang (The University of Manchester, UK) |
Dielectric Properties of Liquids Confined in Two-Dimensional Nanopores
93 |
Zhaodong Wang (PGI-7, Germany) |
Influence of (MO)CVD Process Parameters on the Quality of Single Layer Graphene and Hexagonal Boron Nitride grown on C-plane Sapphire
135 |
Hao Wei (Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, France) |
Spintronics with Black phosphorus
180 |
Zixuan Wei (The University of Manchester, UK) |
Wettability of graphite under 2D confinement
136 |
Zefei Wu (University of Manchester, UK) |
The nonlinear Hall effect in two-dimensional superlattices
97 |
Robert Wykes (University of Manchester, UK) |
Application of Graphene micro-transistor arrays to investigate the impact of ‘brain tsunamis’ to paroxysmal neurological disorders.
137 |
Shihong Xie (University of Nottingham, UK) |
Large room-temperature magnetoresistance in all-van der Waals magnetic tunnel junctions
68 |
Na Xin (University of Manchester, UK) |
Giant magnetoresistance of Dirac plasma in high-mobility graphene
138 |
Yuval Yaish (Technion, Israel) |
Deformation and Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes on Flat Surfaces with Different van der Waals Interactions
192 |
Boxuan Yang (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) |
Detection of coexisting electron and hole Landau levels in magnetic graphene via charge transport
139 |
Elisa Shuoying Yang (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain) |
Hot carrier-mediated thermoelectric transport in graphene devices
69 |
Xiaoxiao Yu (The University of Manchester, UK) |
Investigation of Reversible Ionic Liquids Intercalation for Electrically Controlled Thermal Radiation from Graphene Devices
24 |
Xiaomeng Zhang (University of Manchester, UK) |
Development and Characterization of graphene modified Cellulose derived carbon aerogels with superior thermal insulation
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Yuntian Zheng (National University of Singapore, Singapore) |
Identification and controlled alignment of ABC-trilayer graphene moiré superlattices for strongly correlated states
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