KEYNOTE/INVITED - Parallel workshops |
Isaac Alcón (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
Multiradical 1D and 2D conjugated polymers: novel platforms to control electron pairing, spin, and topological physics
Carmela Aruta (CNR-SPIN, Italy)
Correlation between electronic properties and surface reactions of doped and undoped MoS2 films for hydrogen production
Bengt Fadeel (IMM | Karolinska Institutet
, Sweden)
2D materials and the immune system: a romance of many dimensions
Brian D. Gerardot (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
Optical spectroscopy of moire materials
Talieh S. Ghiasi (Harvard University, USA)
Towards quantum spintronics with graphene-based magnetic heterostructures
Marcos Guimaraes (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Optical and Electrical Control of Magnetization Dynamics in Van der Waals Magnets
Mariana Ionita (University Politehnica of Bucharest
, Romania)
2D meets 3D: graphene-based solutions in bone regeneration
Bjarke S. Jessen (Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark )
From Cavities to Quantum Pumps: New Insights into Metal-Graphene Interfaces
Jiong Lu (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Zigzag-edged 0D and 1D graphene nanostructures with strongly correlated multiple radicals
Mathieu Luisier (ETHZ, Switzerland)
2D Materials and Device Modeling: From Theory to Applications
Kazunari Matsuda (Kyoto University, Japan)
Quantum optics using moiré excitons in artificial van der Waals semiconducting heterobilayer
Florie Mesple (University of Washington, USA)
Visualizing the sub-moiré polarization of the topological bands of twisted Molibdenium ditelluride with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Felix Raoul Fischer (University of California Berkeley, USA)
Engineering Low Energy Modes in 1D and 2D Carbon Nanomaterials”
Paolo Samorì (Université de Strasbourg, France)
The molecular approach to multifunctional 2D electronics: from high-performance pressure sensors to brain-inspired cognitive systems
Patrice Simon (Université Paul Sabatier, France)
Electrochemistry under confinement: 2D materials for energy storage applications
Kenji Yasuda (Cornell University, USA)
Physics and Applications of Sliding Ferroelectricity